Search results

  1. B

    What should I tell my husband to do, in order to dodge any future draft?

    Seek professional help for him, he is paranoid.
  2. B

    What happened to Obama's promise "I will hunt down Osama Bin Laden and kill him"?

    Same as the promise from Bill Clinton and George Bush.
  3. B

    Do you want to see a time lapse video of the anti-big government march in...

    That is quite a lot of people. There were a lot of people in my town as well, and many other towns across the country.
  4. B

    Did you complain about your HMO lately?

    Luckily I do not have an HMO. I can thank private insurance for that.
  5. B

    Palin goes to Hollywood?

    The only thing I have heard is the disgusting pig Larry Flint of Hustler magazine is going to make a porn movie called Nailin Palin, and no she is not going to be in it.
  6. B

    Did you hear the Biblical prophecy about McCain?

    you got it wrong, the anti christ fits Obama much better.
  7. B

    Do you prefer cable or satellite ?

    and why
  8. B

    POLL Did you lose your job around Hoildays this year and/or any year/s?

    No, the holidays are always the busiest time of the year at Fed Ex. Sorry you lost yours, I don't know why company's have to let people go especially that time of the year.
  9. B

    survey >> how many trips have you made?

    40 some!!! but I am not telling you my exact age!