Search results

  1. L

    Nicotine free electronic cigarettes?

    so like, ok, my dad and step mom got those electronics cigarettes and i thought they were really cool, but after doing some research i found out they had nicotine vapor when i thought it was just water vapor. I'm not an idiot and I'm not going to start smoking "nicotine vapor" but then i heard...
  2. L

    How do i access internet on BLACKBERRY CURVE without wifi?

    I'm soo confused!! I purchased an internet bundle yesterday from my network provider but as i went to access the internet today it said it was a wifi service and i needed to connect to wifi. so how do i connect to the internet when i am not around a wifi hotspot!?! argh
  3. L

    Puzzle quiz questions?

    You have to say what the letters stand for (e.g. 12 I in a F = 12 Inches in a Foot) 12 MS with TD 5 P in a B T 4,195 L of the A R (M) Any would be helpful, thanks =) Why yes I am doing the AGS Christmas Quiz XD. The whole internet out there and yet two people stuck on a quiz find each other!
  4. L

    Can anybody think of a joke to open an economics presentation with?

    Preferably about the current problems in Ireland I was thinking of a sort of 'An Englishman, Irishman and an American walk into a bar etc' sort of thing but any suggestions welcome...
  5. L

    UK, should interest rates go up or stay at 0.5%?

    and why?
  6. L

    UK, should interest rates go up or stay at 0.5%?

    and why?
  7. L

    PS3 DVD or Netflix playback problem - random fast-forwarding?

    For no reason, when watching dvd discs (originals, not copies) or streaming videos off of Netflix, my ps3 does strange things. While I was watching a Sweeney Todd DVD, the movie kept randomly fast-forwarding, even when my wireless bluetooth controller was OFF and no buttons were being pressed...
  8. L

    Best funny text forward?

    The funniest one i got said... Imagine this your on a bus..the bus is packed and the music is playing pretty realize you have to you slowly let them out with the beat of the music so noone slowly start to feel so much see your stop coming up and you...
  9. L

    Some guinea pig feeding/nutrition questions?

  10. L

    guinea pig introductions!!?

    my husband and i are introducing our two boars as we speak..i have a 4 months old and a 3 years old..ive done all the research but for first time owner and introductions i need help this normal? they sniffed each other and chattered teeth for the first 3minutes then completley stopped...
  11. L

    What are good love quotes from the Twilight series?

    They can be from any of the books. Just really sweet quotes from either Edward or Bella.
  12. L

    Who wants to play the song game?

    you should listen to Carrie Underwood's song "I told you so" i love it! hope u like it ;-) ?
  13. L

    Do the people around you have to drag you kicking and screaming off Y!A...?

    no. but its hard to get off the computer becuz its really the only fun thing to do (IN THIS BORING HOUSE)
  14. L

    What celebrities have the initials of NJ?

    Nick Jonas is all i can think of. sorry
  15. L

    If whole idea behind sexuality is to procreate, then whats the point of...

    Well sexuality is natural for two reasons. One is to procreate and the other is for pleasure. Humans seek pleasure naturally and for some this involves same sex relations. 10% of mammals participate in homosexual relations so the fact that people think it is strange boggles my mind. Anyways...
  16. L

    Why won't my car start?????

    Sometimes my car will start but sometimes it says that the battery is dead. we had the battery checked out at a local car shop and they checked out some other things too and said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. whenever i would try to turn it on it will just make a clicking noise and...
  17. L

    Do you think minors should have a 'night curfew' to protect them from crime?

    I think its a perfect idea. Although I would say maybe 16 & under instead of 18. Without parents or some sort of work permit there is no reason that kids should be roaming the streets past 1030 at the latest (on weekdays not weekends). I also think parents should be fined when their children...
  18. L

    Why are liberals pushing everyone to go green and eat lettuce instead of red meat?

    Not all liberals think this way. Going green isn't a bad thing, it will help preserve the Earth, you know this huge mass that you live on. And as for eating lettuce, I didn't know this was being pushed on people. Anyways a lot of the people in this country could probably use some...
  19. L

    What are some movies on Religion in America?

    I have to write a paper on two films which portray Americans views on religion. This can be the role of : religion in schools, in politics, in the popular imagination. It can be serious or satirical. I coucle choose two films that show religious people, or a particular sect of religious people...