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  1. E

    Are the crips & the bloods using crips blood to prevent Christ & destroying This

    No they just want Big Booty _itches.
  2. E

    Senior citizens!, which funny man, or woman, past and present, could make...

    Your giving your age away, lets not forget Max Miller, coming closer, I did enjoy Men behaving badly the first and second time around, yeah both Les Dawson and Freddie Starr must be included. The thought occurs I cannot think of one modern funny man.
  3. E

    Quitting chewing tobacco?

    It depends on if you really want to quit. It doesn't matter if everyone around you turns the other cheek, you have to want to quit. If you do want to quit then try chewing gum, having a snack when you get the urge, be somewhere with someone that doesn't encourage you to chew.
  4. E

    Shy boyfriend isn't ready for sex? What can I do to help bedsides wait?

    It sounds like you have found a man in a thousand, don't push him, its the most natural thing in the world and he will make it. The thought of man prior to his first sex are just as complicated as any girl You want to please your partner, your worried your make a hash of it, the amount of...
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    "Prophecies" about 2012?

    I'm a Freemason, there are no such prophecies for the end of the world in 2012, or at any fixed date.
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    POLL: If you were homo, would you be the guy or the gal?

    I'd murder myself before being anything like that.
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    Vikings new stadium: Outdoors, indoors, or retractable roof?

    I hope they will have an outdoor stadium. They play in the NFC North and two teams in their division play outside. Lets have an unified division and lets play outside
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    Why don't Canadians like the "iphone4" it's such an awesome tech gadget?

    Okay, I'm getting frustrated... I'll keep this short and sweet Canada has more land resources than the U.S., and plenty of space to build wireless towers in their country, and yet they pollute more per-capita than ANY iphone user possibly can with that little tiny piece of metal... because: a...
  9. E

    Why don't Canadians like the "iphone4" it's such an awesome tech gadget?

    Okay, I'm getting frustrated... I'll keep this short and sweet Canada has more land resources than the U.S., and plenty of space to build wireless towers in their country, and yet they pollute more per-capita than ANY iphone user possibly can with that little tiny piece of metal... because: a...
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    In the UK, how popular are iPhones and other mp3/photo/gadget phones?

    I haven't been to the UK in a while so I'm curious, in the London tube stations do they have wireless signal? Are most UK digital wireless phone plans compatible with the rest of the EU? If iphone or Droid is made to work in UK, how much is it in pounds usually to upgrade to this?
  11. E

    You can get an iPhone 4 in Canada on a Rogers Wireless Plan?

    Or is Canada still on the iPhone 3GS? People in Canada actually have plans on these? Like in the Yukon my AT&T doesn't pick up Rogers... In Ontario my old AT&T phone I know turned to Rogers network in Canada. But iPhone in Canada can work in the Northern territories? they have networks...
  12. E

    what to take on a 9 night cruise?

    Bring an ipod, bring some board games to play on the deck, bring a digital camera if not part of the iphone..... bring an waterproof case for your ipod if you have you can be in the water and listen to music..... Bring a deck of cards, could be good to have on the plane..... bring...
  13. E

    When people say "Jesus H Christ" what exactly are they saying or trying to say?

    just an intial they threw in because its easier to make a good sounding curse with four syllables to stress instead of three.
  14. E

    Why do I get an "FBI Warning" message on every DVD I put in my machine?

    I mean the DVDs play fine, but before the DVD plays, I get this FBI message that says "duplication or reproduction of this home video can lead to criminal prosecution" I have no plans to reproduce any of the DVDs I paid for. Rather, I don't understand why the FBI, which should be going after...
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    do you think the world is going to end, what is your opinion on the 2012 predictions?

    Being an optimist, I can easily say that nothing's going to happen. My logical mind says the same.
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    Need Help with My Bluetooth and Phone?

    type in 0000 or 9999
  17. E

    Can we buy a house 1 year after bankruptcy with a 25% down payment?

    We got caught up in the worst of the market and ended up with 2 houses for almost 4 years. We tried to keep up, but the financial strain caused us to go bankrupt and we were discharged from a chapter 7 a year ago. We both have very stable jobs we have had for over 6 years and we make a sizable...
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    Are British people concerned their birthrate is too low right now?

    It is almost the same phenomenon as global warming. Once that ancient glacial ice is gone, it's lost for good because new ice melts quicker. British families with a 1,000-year lineage are producing 1.66 kids per birthmother, and as you know you need 2 kids to replace the mom and dad or else...
  19. E

    What game should i purchase from xbox live marketplace?

    So i have $20 and i have looked into a few games but none really stand out, although i dont know much about them, also im not looking to buy any "games on demand" so now give your opinion on which game and why!
  20. E

    Should i buy limbo or portal on xbox live marketplace?

    So i have $20 on my xbox live account and am currently looking into buying a game, between limbo and portal which should i buy and why? If you have any other suggestions as to another game that is outstanding than let me know!