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  1. S

    how do i get my horse to canter on lounge line?

    If they footing is safe, she should do it. I move in a small circle myself, so I can move faster and use that, together with "canter" as cues. I sometimes need to use the whip, too, to encourage the change of gait while the horse is learning depending on the horse.
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    Are these books sci fi or fantasy?!?

    I don't know the last one, but the others are fantasy. Try a Robert Heinlein book. He wrote lots that are short, interesting and readable. They also get you thinking.
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    A new cat introduction to a black lab?

    I had a lab chow mix and she was full of energy! Your babe still as a lot of puppy so he's going to give the cat a good run around but he won't hurt it... now the cat may be scared because the dog is so big... do you think you can keep them separated most of the time? Just for the cats sanity...
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    How do I complain about my housing association?

    I am a relief warden at a housing association block of flats, and another warden here is continually leaving a tennant in charge during his shifts. I emailed my line manager about this months ago, but nothing seems to have been done and this man is still covering for his warden friend. Doing...
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    Need a copy of the 97 Westminster Kennel Club Dog show, either VHS or DVD....?

    Try the Westminster Kennel Club.
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    what a good recipe for macaroni and cheese?

    I prefer cheddar cheese. It is fun to try lots of different cheeses, actually! I make a white sauce with a half a stick of butter, melted.Add a quarter cup of flour and stir over low heat for two minutes. Don't let it brown. Heat a quart of milk. Add slowly, stirring constantly to prevent lumps...
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    do you hate people with hybrids? like a toyota prius?

    I have 2000 Honda Insight, manual transmission. I got it with 10,000 miles on it, cheap. I sometimes get up to 70 mpg on trips. It is neon green, very obnoxious. and has conservative bumper stickers. It is a vehicle that does not have bad exhaust. Our batteries are fine and you need to get a...
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    Which SUV should I get?

    I would guess the Nissan. My daughters have a Honda CR-V (her second CR-V, sold the first to a friend) and a Toyota RAV-4. They are both good cars.Get great mileage and need little repairs if maintained well. I would take a Honda over anything myself, as I have my second Acura MDX. I hope you...
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    My almost 2 y/o border collie won't stop whining/barking?

    Give the dog a chew toy. Make sure it has enough exercise. BCs are bred to chase sheep up and down hills all day long. Being locked up is not a good thing for a BC. Mine almost never makes a noise except when the Jack Russell goes berserk. Don't intimidate the dog. It loves you. It is having...
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    Where are great places for a good tan and a family winter vacation?

    US Virgin Islands,%20US%20Virgin%20Islands
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    Are premonitions possible? (What could these dreams mean?)?

    Drive carefully. That's what it means, especially with water in the vicinity. Also, take precautions to prevent depression (exercise, take fish oil). It could be a pattern from a past life or a warning or coming troubles so prepare yourself. If you are driving or in any situation that feels...
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    is it bad to greet people whom you always meet at the bus stop even if they...

    No, you're beind civil, they're just rude (and they know it too). However, do you become chatty after an initial "good morning"? Maybe you talk too much and they just don't want to get sucked into a lengthy conversation. Do you talk about negative things? Are you preventing them from...
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    A safe and amazing SUV for my daughters first car?

    My daughters got a Honda CRV and RAV 4. They were used and still run great and very reliable. I think both models are made in the USA.
  14. S

    A safe and amazing SUV for my daughters first car?

    My daughters got a Honda CRV and RAV 4. They were used and still run great and very reliable. I think both models are made in the USA.
  15. S

    A safe and amazing SUV for my daughters first car?

    My daughters got a Honda CRV and RAV 4. They were used and still run great and very reliable. I think both models are made in the USA.
  16. S

    Atheists, are you really against religion, or just against Christians?

    Didn't Jesus have something to say about people who took pride in their "righteousness?'" And then there was the thing about taking the beam out of your own eye. And the meek? The peacemakers?
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    hiv/aids conspiracy. is it real?

    HIV is very real and very deadly. It attacks the bodies immune system and makes it hard to fight off infections. Patients who have it are at risk for getting infections most people can fight off. In advanced stages they are frequently in the hospital and suffer loss of appetite and wt loss...
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    why do i get headaches after eating meat & fish?

    It may be a migraine from some protein component. Try to learn about migraine triggers and nutrients to prevent migraine. Try taking a good digestive enzyme supplement when you next eat meat or fish. Just have a bit of meat and the supplement. Make sure that you have enough magnesium in your...
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    Does it say something about famous repulican people for you that there...

    Do you have a link or a source for this rant or do you like to post random BS to get people to pay attention to you?
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    would i be better off?

    years i was getting mobility allowance and care allowance dla. but now i have been awarded only low rate care allowance. the trouble is i can only work part time as my health suffers and just cant work full time. would i be better of on incapacity benefit as my surgeons says if i dont want to...