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  1. J

    who do christians worship?

    Pretty impressive list of your errors. Virtually everything you wrote is wrong. I hope you will enroll in a School. #1 Wrong #2 Wrong #3 What? #4 What? #5 Irrelevant and Wrong #6 Wrong
  2. J

    other than Muslims who else get vioIent when someone critisize their religion?

    Every reasonable faith allows for uncertainty or questions. Unfortunately, there are quite a few groups, like Cults, that forbid questions because, if one questions a Cult, one finds how quickly its structure falls apart.
  3. J

    Is Lady GaGa Jesus Christ reincarnated?

    Why would you want me to throw up on my keyboard?
  4. J

    I want to start my own religion but my school won't allow me to wear my

    You attend a school with a wise faculty. I applaud their judgment. Children should not be permitted to wear what they want simply because they are children.
  5. J

    Does Roger Penrose believe in the soul?

    Ask him
  6. J

    If you are a good christian,catholic,etc. please answer my questions?

    He was God in Human flesh, one of us and yet Divine. As to more detail, obtain a copy of the Holy Bible and read it. All your answers are in there.
  7. J

    christians? why did jesus found a church? wasn't judaism enough?

    If you read the Holy Bible, you will learn that Jesus did not found a new Church. Jesus came to bring the Jews back into God's path. They refused to return to God, and ultimately the people He left behind had to evolve a new practice with men and women who were not Jews.
  8. J

    Why do girls that you know are interested play hard to get?

    Ahhhh yes Basically what it all boils down to You chase them until they catch you
  9. J

    what do i say when a guy ask me if i'm lesbian?

    I'm taking 'Ham Rove's answer.
  10. J

    Why do gay people tell everyone that they're gay?

    Somehow, I don't think you get them.
  11. J


    I need to know if there is an e-mail address to someone in Human Resources in Dish Networks' Corporate office??? If there is please let me know what it is
  12. J

    I believe gossip is POISON. I call it VERBAL VOMIT. It harms everyone in it's path?

    True I never start it or spread it...only harm will come
  13. J

    christians how do you know which parts of the bible are to be taken literally and...

    ...which are not? One word: Convenience. Whatever is convenient has been taken literally... so much so that a guy died for the sins of all people who will "accept" him. Even in the most twisted theology, it makes no sense.
  14. J

    LOL @ Duke losing the basketball game?

    duke thew the game. it was set up with the phantom call against texas. ncaa b-ball tourney is rigged. the entire ncaa is corrupt and ruled by russian gangsters. everybody knows that!
  15. J

    lg optimus s, adding ringtones?

    i just got a optimus s from sprint, and on my old phone i would download ringtones from myxer, but now i downloaded a ringtone, and it put it in my music, how do i use it as a ringtone? for notifications and or call tone
  16. J

    Do you think tarring and feathering should be reinstated?

    absolutley! that'll teach 'em!
  17. J

    Do you think tarring and feathering should be reinstated?

    absolutley! that'll teach 'em!
  18. J

    Can you give me some interesting facts of Victoria Falls?

  19. J

    Vikings/Bears. Closest prediction gets BA?

    Bear's by ten to be honest GB needs Bear's to lose tho but it ain't happening