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  1. J

    Standard drink recipes? help! Bartending a superbowl party tonight.?

    I am bartending a superbowl party and the host asked me to feel comfortable with vodka, tequila, rum and gin. What kind of drinks are expected of me? Could you include the names + recipes, if possible? Thank you so much, you're a life saver!
  2. J

    college baseball;deciding whether to walk on or not?

    i batted .323 my junior year 23 for 70, with 19 RBI's, one home run,17 singles 6 doubles 11 walks and 4 strikeouts. during the junior summer i did not play ball for a team that went to showcases because my parents didnt really have the money.the senior season has started and i have to figure out...
  3. J

    college baseball;deciding whether to walk on or not?

    i batted .323 my junior year 23 for 70, with 19 RBI's, one home run,17 singles 6 doubles 11 walks and 4 strikeouts. during the junior summer i did not play ball for a team that went to showcases because my parents didnt really have the money.the senior season has started and i have to figure out...
  4. J

    What should I cook for a Christmas party dinner?

    I'm having a Christmas party tomorrow in my class and everybody needs to bring in a dish.I have no idea what to cook there's 20+ students in my class plus 3 teachers I was thinking about making something out of the box.But I have no clue what should i do?
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    Whats your predictions on who "They" are?

    well Judas Mesias is a part of AAA so i think its him and james mitchel
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    Somebody on my verizon account just passed away and i wana cancel, will verizon

    make me pay the ETF? I know with att they will but im not sure how verizon handles that
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    TRIVIA question baby.. first one gets it!?

    What was the original name of the NFL's New York Jets?
  8. J

    which book is best to learn how to write code for apps (iphone)?

    i know they have to be in cocoa but should i learn objective-c?, c?, or c++? what book is good to get started. thanks.
  9. J

    Which truck is better?

    I'm thinking about buying a new truck, but i can't decide weather to buy a Dodge or a Ford.They both are great trucks. I do a lot of hauling across the states.Also i care about the fuel efficiency. Thanks
  10. J

    My sister wants to know if her joke is funny.?

    For all those men who say "why marry the cow when you can get the milk for free?" Here is an update for you! Nowadays 80% of woman are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig for just for a little sausage!!! I don't get the joke and she won't tell me.Do...
  11. J

    Going into the having a dog possible?

    No. There is no way that you could bring your dog. Even if you were an NCO and had your own room, you still couldn't take it. Sorry.
  12. J

    Will the Cell Phone Telephoto Lens from Urban Outfitters fit the Samsung Eternity? It says it goes on iphones or any smart phones, but the Eternity isnt considered a smartphone. and i believe the...
  13. J

    Will the Cell Phone Telephoto Lens from Urban Outfitters fit the Samsung Eternity? It says it goes on iphones or any smart phones, but the Eternity isnt considered a smartphone. and i believe the...
  14. J

    buying a atv cant decide?

    Hi,I'm planning on getting a atv but i don't know what i want i want one for usally the trails but i kind of want one for racing sort of what should i get? only Yamaha or Honda :D thanks
  15. J

    buying a atv cant decide?

    Hi,I'm planning on getting a atv but i don't know what i want i want one for usally the trails but i kind of want one for racing sort of what should i get? only Yamaha or Honda :D thanks
  16. J

    having some wierd dreams?

    latley ive been having odd dreams where my ex girlfriend & I are as if we were a year ago, and in the dreams everything is fine & normal & we are happy & laughing like we are togethor. then I wake up and im like wtf because i am over her & with someone else, but when she pops into my dreams i...
  17. J

    Girlfriend goes on vacation, comes back and breaks up with me. Im a mess right now!

    what should i do? A few weeks ago my girlfriend of 8 months went on vacation. Prior to her leaving, things were PERFECT. I was madly in love with this girl. I was convinced we had a strong relationship. She came back and broke up with me. She started making up weird irrelevant reasons as to why...
  18. J

    How to play games that you have downloaded with Bit torrent?

    I downloaded a game with Bit Torrent and now i want to play it, i open up winzip but im not sure what to do next. Please Help Thanks
  19. J

    What are the best pair of noise canceling head-phones ? I will be using them...

    ...usually to study in silence? I will use them for music as well, but I mostly want them to cancel all the distracting noises around me. I am willing to pay 100-200 dollars or so, but if there exists a pair that will do an amazing job and is cheap, awesome! Bose is highly recommended I hear.
  20. J

    microphone is not working?

    Ok So I download a driver for sound its realtek HD audio manger. But I need one for my mic now. Can some one give me a website so I can download a driver so I can use my mic. Thank you