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    How do you replace the interior light on a Samsung RL38SBTB fridge freezer?

    The manual says ask a service engineer...which seems crazy for a light bulb. There are no obvious screws or tabs to push to release the casing.
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    IT Guy puzzled about a DVD drive.?

    Run and click on the registry cleaner tab.
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    why does my windows 7 keep deleting corrupted files durring boot?

    Use avast free as your only antivirus run ccleaner and mwlwarebytes. If you run other antivirus they miss viruses.
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    View & Control my Android Phone from ANY PC.. ANYWHERE regardless where my phone is?

    The android apparently is airdroid available on playstore
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    Put the following waves in order of increasing frequency: Yellow light,

    D. Low to high: radio waves, micro waves,infrared, ROYGBIV, Ultra Violet, x rays, gamma rays
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    Why does Bittorrent keep making worse and worse new versions?

    Why does Bittorrent keep making worse and worse new versions? Seriously- every time I check the updated version it blows even more than the last one.
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    What is a good meal structure for Weigh Loss?

    I started on a diet and exercise program to lose weight recently but I think I may be doing it wrong. Typically my diet per day is 3 eggs and 4 sausages in the morning, at about 9 or 10. I usually don't eat until dinner, but occasionally I'll bring some nuts into college for energy or buy one...
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    riddle/ i need to he at least 20 ...?

    that was a riddle? got one. why are there so many stupid people in the universe?give up. to balance out the universe.BLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I put nicotine in my clit so my boyfriend can be addicted to it, but now

    Wow. If you are serious, then quit doing that. Eeew.
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    To those who believe Islam is NOT a peaceful religion. . . .?

    This is what we call "feeding the trolls"
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    How do you think the world will end?

    Cthulu would rise from the depths of the moon and devour it.
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    since the idea of a soul wasn't even unique to Judaism, isn't that proof...

    The idea of a soul was borrowed from earlier religion, doesn't mean it's more false or true. Just means that the people who practice the religion share common belief with those who believe in a soul.
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    Is this a good introduction paragraph?

    Wow. That's all I can say!!! Are you writing this to apply to a college? Because, if all your paragraphs are like this, I would most definitely NOT be accepting you. I agree with the above statement about the run-on sentences. Next, you never use ... in a professional and formal essay. My...
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    I would like to offer my friend a special Diwali greeting. What would be an

    appropriate greeting? something nice that I can write on a card.
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    What is a good name for a blog?

    Hi, I was thinking about starting a blog, discussing various controversial issues such as stem cell research and nuclear power. I'm not sure what I should name it though! I'm a teenager called Amber and a bit of a geek really, so maybe that could come into it? And if you have any suggestions how...
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    How to sim free/unlock nokia 6070?

    I have a hand me down nokia on telstra lock - whats the tried and most probably only way to make it usable on 3.
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    Why do you never see $100 million+ multimillionaires and billionaires complain

    It's easier for them to afford taxes. Why would they complain? If they did start complaining, I'm sure we wouldn't know about it....I doubt they'd jump on the internet and start posting blogs about their problems. lol
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    Blackberry Storm Help! Won't Turn On...?

    connect it to computer and scan it with for malware infection run the fulll scan