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  1. L

    Recipes for Cocktails using Midori, Vodka and Malibu?

    Hey everyone, I need some simple cocktail ideas for a trip Im going on, using the above ingredients (not necessarily all together..!) My aim is just to bring 3 bottles of alcohol and be able to mix a few different cocktails out of them! Im willing to grab some extra bottles, like some flavoured...
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    Anyone know some HEALTHY, easy recipes using only 4 or 5 ingredients?

    For the busy people on a low income who dont want to always resort to pasta and toasted sandwiches!! haha. Im running out of ideas! For dinners please, no deserts if thats ok! :-) I love all foods, vegetarian, asian, middle eastern, italian, mexican!!! PS: I dont have a slow cooker. :-(...
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    PLEASE HELP??? how can i activate a verizon phone online?? 10 POINTS!!!?

    this phone is not replacing one, it is activating a new line and phone. how can i activate it online? i already have a verizon account i bought it off amazon used so it didnt come with instructions
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    PLEASE HELP? how can i activate a new line and phone online (verizon)??...

    ...10 points!!!!? i am just adding a line and phone to a family plan. how can i do this online?
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    I'm writing an article about nicotine patches?

    and one of the requirements for the article is to include reactions involved. i'm not sure what this means. the reactions to make nicotine patches? or nicotine itself. I researched on google, and found nothing that relates to reactions, just silly things on how to make pure nicotine. so far for...
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    cheap wireless book netbook boot android?

    when i turn it on and have the sd card in it just goes straight to ce how can i get android to boot. link to video
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    X factor: Final 16, ***spoiler alert***?link>>>>?

    If this list is to be believed,here is the final 16,DON'T CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it what you expected or are there any surprises?.
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    Does Melyssa Ford have close to the perfect shape for a woman?

    She is so beautiful. Im not sure what on her body is real or fake and as a woman i really don't care. but her face is very gorgeous either way.
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    Samsung Jet/S8000 please help me understand what too do next with m internet problem?

    Everytime i want too open a application on the internet eg. facebook or just a general web page, it doesnt let me now and says" Not enough memory. Unable to open application" I have checked my memory status and there is loads free as i have only ad the phone 1 week! I has nly just started doing...
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    Samsung Jet/S8000 please help me understand what too do next with m internet problem?

    Everytime i want too open a application on the internet eg. facebook or just a general web page, it doesnt let me now and says" Not enough memory. Unable to open application" I have checked my memory status and there is loads free as i have only ad the phone 1 week! I has nly just started doing...
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    Do I have to tell my future sex partners that I have herpes?

    of course you have to tell them!! its their right to know
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    What is the current in-style/in-fashion bag at the moment ?

    bright colour clutch bags are really in this season
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    How long can you rent movies on I-Tunes?`?

    I wanted to rent Twilight on I-Tunes, for 4 bucks but if its only for like a day then I won't. So anyone who has rented a movie, please let me know! Thankssssss! ps, I <3 Twilight 9 but im not obsessed like some other people, lol)
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    A sinus ? please read and give advice!!! Will give 10 points!!?

    I was diagnosed with a sinus infection on Friday....I had an MRI done and it showed that...i also just had a chest x-ray and blood work done a week before because i had a panic attack and went to the ER. They said everything looks anyway I am on an headcahes have gone...
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    Girls: Old fashioned or Modern Day guys?

    I am a twilight lover and of course fell in love with edward. There is something about his old fashioned phrases eg. "i'm very partial to that colour with ur skin" that makes us love him. He calls bella BEAUTIFUL not HOT, and isn't that what we would all prefer? I would like to now what girls...
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    How much does it cost for unlimited texting for t-mobile?

    I want to be able to text my friends if its a good deal im going to tell my mm. PLEASE HELP I WANT THIS SO BADLY!!!!!
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    Really need advice on not feeling right....please!?

    all of a sudden i became really tired tonight i was sitting on the couch and kept nodding off but waking up and not remembering i was falling asleep...its really weird i have the chills no fever...just weird should i be worried or just go to sleep?
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    does anyone know any diet pillls?

    trying to boost my workouts
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    Registering for classes mid-semester?

    I know all colleges are different, but on average, they're kind of the same. Is it possible to register for a class a few weeks into the semester? Like, join in?
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    What does the VW Eos key look like?

    Random as question I know!! But I was wondering if anyone could describe - or even better, if anyone has an actual photo - of the new Volkswagen Eos key? Thanks!!