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  1. R

    Talking to my ex (part 2)?

    Okay so I asked a question a couple minutes ago about starting to talk to my ex again. And things were going well, better then they have ever before. And last night he ended the convo by saying: Damn well I'm about to go to bed, so you can text me whenever if you want. Good night, have a merry...
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    Arguing/Screaming Thoughts?

    I have these thoughts that seem separate from me, and seem angry at me, and they don't have their own voice or anything at the moment, but they scream at me. There's no real sound to it, they're just thoughts, but they seem quite out of my control, and they drive me mad, screaming at me and...
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    my friend told my crush I like him?

    I found out today that my friend took my phone and took my crushes number and texted him saying that I like him. Apparently he didn't answer, and when I try to ask him if he got any texts from her, he hasn't replied. And I work with this guy. He and I used to text often, but now he won't reply...
  4. R

    How much would this be worth?

    Hi i'm wondering how much a Verdi "Rigoletto" 'Opera In Three Acts' Album would be worth? It is 78 playing speed and has a total of 14 vinylls in it. Any rough total would be much appreciated. :)
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    How do you prevent other people from changing the desktop background on Windows 7?

    A list of multiple things I could do would help. I share a computer with some assholes in my computer class and they keep changing the background to something inappropriate. I locked it before with the local group policy editor and that kept it locked for like three days, and then they figured...
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    Why are mormons telling everyone to prepare to live forever as if they had the

    spirit of prophecy? With all their spiritual gifts and the Holy Ghost as their Guide?
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    How is Anne Frank the Protagonist in The Diary of a Young Girl?

    So I'm working on a report and i need to know how Anne and the people living the secret annex are protagonists and how the nazi are the antagonists. 10 points for the best answer :)
  8. R

    Motorola modem constantly restarting?

    Hi! For a few months now I've had a problem with my internet. I have Comcast as my provider, and I have a Motorola Surfboard Modem. The problem is, my internet will be out when I get home. I unplug the modem, plug it back in, and the send light continuously blinks unless I unscrew the chord and...
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    What should I take for my anaemia?

    I just found out I have anaemia I was looking for advice on what vitamins I should take or food I should eat to help me . (I'm a vegetarian)
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    I really need help!!! I'm suppose to watch my twin baby cousins with my other cousin and I don't want them to get it. I really would like to reduce the rash a bit. It's bumpy and really itch and red and that's about it. If you have had posion ivy before please comment a way to reduce it quickly...
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    Logo quiz help please!?

    I cannot guess it!! Heres a picture of it.
  12. R

    Where can I sell my broken old phones?

    I have many old nokia phones, a motorola razor and a bunch of flip phones. most of them are broken. but id rather get a quarter for them than nothing. does anyone know of any websites?
  13. R

    Cheap romantic vacations on the east coast?

    My husband and I would like to plan a trip for the middle of August this year for our anniversary. We would like to spend less than $800 on lodging (would like to stay a minimum of 5 nights). There is a little wiggle room there, but we would love to keep it under $800! We live in Richmond, VA...
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    shooting pains up my back into my head?

    i had a baby 3 days ago, my 4th so im under no illusions i would bounce back, but this pain is awful! i had a pretty traunmatic labour lasting 3 days with active labour lasting only 9 minutes. all my contractions were felt in my back. since having him though my back has been very painful still...
  15. R

    Where do I get a screen repair for my itouch?

    Ok so my itouch 4th generation fell out of my hands and the screen broke I want to know where I can get a screen repair close to LA
  16. R

    question about celebrities-isn't this weird?

    Mot of them go to online college or they have teachers on tghe go. Justin bieber is in college not like a building one but he is thoubh
  17. R

    Where can i buy a dvd cover?

    Find a pic online and print it
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    Can you purchase one month of T-Mobile service or only a year's worth?

    For the iphone 4 can you only purchase one year's worth of service or one month each month
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    Interesting topic to google?

    how to read tarot with regular playing cards :)
  20. R

    T-Mobile Samsung galaxy 3?

    I've cracked my galaxy 3 and last time I payed 150 . I'm thinking because a new generation has came out the deductible should be much less. Does anyone know if it has gone lower. Please help