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    The Blues, The Devil and these idiots....

    I don't get too riled by religious people. I grew up around a lot of Pentacostal Christians... the laying on of hands... speaking in tongues... the whole nine yards of it. I went to Catholic school as a kid... I was an alterboy for... I've spent much of adult life in regions of the world chock...
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    How do Americans feel about the current formation of the 'Stazi' style police state?

    What countries are NOT moving in this direction? I'm afraid the whole world is becoming a much scarier place. What about Sweden? Norway? Netherlands? Belgium? Canada? Australia? Are they still good? Are there ANY nice, safe societies left in this world?
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    Is this funny (and true!), or what?

    … an old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President … The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown [separately] around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how...
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    Question about "The Secret of Oz" (the Fed, fiat money, etc.)?

    According to this short movie on YouTube, we're all screwed because we have a central bank (the Federal Reserve Bank) that prints money and lends it to our government at interest, rather than the government just printing its own money for free (if I understand the argument - please correct if...
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    How much Hebrew do you have to learn to convert to Judaism?

    If you convert to Judaism in the USA, how much Hebrew do you need to learn? Does this differ depending on whether you convert to Reform, Conservative or Orthodox Judaism? And what else is involved? How long does it typically take?
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    Are these 2 short animations are funny?

    They are only a couple minutes each - tell me what you think of them? (If link doesn't work, search "Giant Robot") Scroll down until you see the videos about Cathay Pacific airline... watch the first one first, then the second... (*I* think they're hilarious -...
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    Ugliness of women . . . .

    I've only gotten yelled at by one girl like that (aside from my mom), and I don't think that her level of attraction was on my mind at the time.
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    what is the possibility that Jesus would reject Christianity and go back to

    Jesus was not a "Christian"... he was raised Jewish, but was clearly trying to reform a religion that he found very hypocritical and inhuman. He was against any kind of violence, and said that we shouldn't judge or punish anyone or even defend ourselves from thieves. When a woman was about to...
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    New years resolutions???

    I intend to do more interesting things next year. Last year I hardly did anything worth mentioning. I'm going to try and enter as many Judo comps as I can, and also, hopefully try and win something... and learn to drive
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    religion studies help needed quick?

    i need to answer this question for a test in 11th grade religion- -How have rituals and ceremonies contibuted to society and culture? note: there is no specific religion, it is just religion in general, Thanks for your help, please include sources of information
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    Accutane stories

    I was on it 6 years ago in high school, everything cleared up, no problems at all... Accutane :tup:
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    Mini Cooper Countryman vs 2011 Honda Fit?

    Hi, Well I have been confused about which one of these cars is better for me in terms of safety and everything else. Can anyone tell me what would be a better choice and why? Thanks
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    Change the song name

    Mr kirk's nightmare ~ 4hero (good luck) it's old school dance for anyone wondering
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    For how much should i settle for a sprained neck after a car accident?

    About 2 weeks ago i was in a car accident because a large truck ran the red light and hit another driver and i. as a result of that, i had a sprained neck which made my shoulder and ear hurt. i was mostly concerned about my hearing because i thought i was going deaf and i was scared it would be...
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    Bluetooth Sync for Samsung not detecting?

    I've tried for days to sync my bluetooth head piece with my phone and no luck. I place my device in discoverable mode just like the phone says, and the bluetooth flash blue every 8 or so seconds, but after about 20~25 seconds my gives up the search and says no bluetooth devices found. The two...
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    iPad question, please help?

    My iPad has its maximum of 5 iTunes accounts on it, and products bought from those accounts. Is there anyway that I can find out which 5 they are? Thanks in advance... Yes, Brian. I have the maximum of five accounts with media licensed to play on my iPad. Is there any way that I can find out...
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    how do i burn a dvd off my computer?

    i downloaded a video online and i have blank dvds. What program should i use to burn the movies and make them compatible with a dvd player.
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    how do i burn a dvd off my computer?

    i downloaded a video online and i have blank dvds. What program should i use to burn the movies and make them compatible with a dvd player.
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    my computer keeps rejecting blank dvd's?

    I have a mac every time i put them in it spits them out this happened with 3 different types of dvds it is a dvd drive