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    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    Pierre, the French fighter pilot: Pierre, a French fighter pilot, takes his girlfriend, Marie, out for a pleasant little picnic by the river Seine. It's a beautiful day and love is in the air, so Marie leans over to Pierre and says: "Pierre, kiss me!". So our hero grabs a bottle of red wine and...
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    mans greatest invention?

    Toilet paper. I'm perfectly serious. Think about it. We split the atom and we use that to blow up cities. We invent rockets and use them for pretty much the same thing. The combustion engine? Tanks. Powered flight? Fighter/bombers. Not to mention things like chemical and biological...
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    This willow log has been cut 3 months and stacked for 2 of those months, yet it still continues to grow!
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    knee surgery?

    dam that sucks i dint know even tore my meniscus till after i woke up from surgery
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    Man cuts off penis in restaurant!!

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    Is Inuyasha- The final act available for my DVD player in australia?

    I can't answer you question completely but I can say if you want to watch final acts there are a few websites that have it in Japanese. However now that they are releasing it in English you might luck up and get it in English. Hope you can find it! Good luck to you.
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    so my mom is retarded

    I'm still flabberghasted by "phenomena".
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    What did the hippies from the 1960s smoke weed out of?

    did they have pipes? or did they only have to roll them up back then?
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    Ladies, (or males!), what is your fashion addiction?

    Dear yahoo answerers! I have a shoe addiction, or so I am lead to believe through friends who have frequently commented on all my shoes. In fact, less than 2 minutes ago I bought a few pairs of lovely French ballet flats. My shoe collection is quite overwhelming, and I never seem to wear all...
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    Name suggestions for my female protagonist?

    Hello! :) I am writing a story, or plan to anyway, about this 16-17 year old who is so in love with her boyfriend of 1 year, that she will do anything for him. His mother is a stubborn, harsh woman who doesn't let him out much despite his age. After a year, the girlfriend is tired of her keeping...
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    Funny names to call my brother...?

    Can be offensive/rude. He's a body builder and his arms are the size of tanks so I'd like to pick on that, haha. Let me know what you've got.
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    I need a really interesting topic PLEASE HELP!?

    How about... MALCOLM X and the NATION OF ISLAM and their role in the african american civil rights movement... :D bXX
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    How to Show a Shy guy Im Interested?

    Smile at him, wave, maybe if you are trying to get his attention touch his upper arm while smiling
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    Adults should really learn to mind their own business sometimes and don't

    I can't see the pics but I think you are dressing way too old for your age.That's what it sounds like at least.
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    Why did my boyfriend cry over these rumors?

    He's upset that people would say such things and doesn't want you to think they're true
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    Old Animated Children's Show?

    It has a family of beavers that lived in a wooden house on the river. There were 3 kids always solving problems and I remember the quote "Use your noodles". Everytime there was a problem they'd sing a song saying that. Does anyone know the name of this show? I can't seem to figure it out and...
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    Can I Get some Fashion help?!?

    There's this dance coming up at my school, called the snowball. It's kind of a formal thing... I have $50 to spend on an outfit Can You search online (maybe Amazon or something) And find me an outfit or dress to wear Something that looks good on a medium sized girl if not a little small, with...
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    What does soul mean for those who suffer nerves and mental disorder?

    Our life is all about our soul, right? Soul is all about how we think, how we see the world, our feelings, conscience, our life. So, how does the soul work for those who have nerves? I mean, why because something happens to the BODY, people can't do anything? Where is the soul to save the life...
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    u is for you and me and im downloading it now. I watched the video and it looks fucking