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  1. J

    Who do you think is the prettiest female celebrity?

    Kourtenay Kardashian
  2. J

    Got Something on your chest? Let it out!

    holy shit! 8!! i can't do that much. :blush:
  3. J

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    I watch the Hills.
  4. J

    What are you better at than anyone else on ST?

    Going outside.
  5. J

    Child is eaten by Dog.
  6. J

    My air freshener seems to have a short in it. Last night it started smoking?

    For the past week I have had to mess with the cord to get it to work. It has a 110v power cord, if I replace the cord will it work?
  7. J

    i dodged his kiss!!!?

    So i was hanging out with this guy who i like alot and 5 other friends. He just asked me out that day but we hung out and flirted alot even before that... so we were all sitting down and he said he had to leave. So i hugged him bye and he leaned in to kiss me!! i wanted to... BAD! but it was the...
  8. J

    An epic challenge for 90% of ST.

    i was gonna go for it...but then thought of the consequences of the 8 seconds of sex and 3 hours of crying afterwards
  9. J

    Do Guys like a...?

    guys dont care if you wear a binbag, if youre hot youre hot although i'd be turned on if a girl wore binbags, would mean she is poor and thats sexy
  10. J

    why does it feel like i'm driving faster in a car at night than in the daytime?

    is it an optical illusion? when i'm driving 60mph on the freeway at night, feels like i'm burning at 70mph.
  11. J

    Your Clothing?

    famous expensive...HAHAHA shirts- todiefor,BBC,rockett,AA,striaghtedge clothing jeans-nudies,sevens,rock&republic,true religion shoes-vans,creative recreations
  12. J

    Am I bisexual?

    maybe, but in my opinion you're only bi if you're willing to go down on a girl.
  13. J

    ithing from chorine in pool?

    my son has been getting an ithcing with small bumps on his legs mostly but also other areas. i asked him if he thought it could be from the chlorine in the pool? what do you think?
  14. J

    in a movie?

    what happens like if a girl is in a sex scene and shes on her perioud what happens do they still do the scene do they do another scene and does she have to tell them
  15. J

    on gossip girl...........................?

    i want to know the same thing and what is serena real i love that show keep me posted if u find the right answer
  16. J

    Gossip Girl!?

    dam i wanna know to oh sht do u think its "s" thats gay omg
  17. J

    Gossip Girl!?

    dam i wanna know to oh sht do u think its "s" thats gay omg