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    When was Olympic archery adulterated by the addition of all the gadgets?

    How well would these guys do with a bare bow? As things stand I cannot hold them the best in the world! Let's keep it simple and equal - Drop the gadgets!
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    Dhl, 24/7?

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    does anyone have a fiat punto mark one 1997 sx 75 breaking? thanks?

    DON"T use second flex hand brake hoses! DON'T change one shock - change them in matched pairs. Contact me if you want Italian spares.
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    My Parents

    they're watching you fap!
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    Does anyone know where i can get a brilliant insurance quote on my 2004 Audi A3 2.0

    WHAT, you bought a car BEFORE getting an insurance quote! Where have you been living - do you even know what year it is? I'll give you 100% for your choice of car - Audi
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    Was it a political joke - Pope's visit and Battle of Britain ceremony?

    Thus relieving the availability of certain members of 'the family'
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    Where can I watch UFC videos online instantaneously I am willing to pay?

    I used to go to but I got a terrible virus once. Now I only visit 100% legit sites. YouTube never has UFC stuff. UFC site doesn't have it. Spike doesn't have it. Itunes doesn't seem to have it. How can a man with some cash in his paypal account watch UFC 116 right now on his...
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    URGENT! Fiat - White smoke after sump and rocker gasket change.?

    Unusual to get white 'smoke' this usually is a sign of condensation/water in the system. Did you run the engine without oil? Oil in the throttle body would give a bluish/black exhaust which you could smell as oil. Is it possible you overfilled the oil and possibly did some damage?
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    JESUS CHRIST IS FICTIONAL, CHRISTIANITY is mostly B. f-ing S. agree?

    so anyone else disagree. i mean Jesus wasnt even his real name. it was Yeshua Ben Yosef which translates to Joseph, christians dont know this yet they worship the man, so actually they all worship a fals idol, one they believe to be a certain person but has been twisted by man and the bible to a...
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    Cam belt Broken on Fiat Punto?

    Might be cheaper to pick up an engine in a breaker's yard after finding out if the pistons and head have to be changed.
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    Pi Day!!!

    Can't believe this hasen't been posted. It's a pi classic
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    PayPal, all smoke & mirrors!?

    Is there any authority in Europe responsible for looking into the actions and complaints regarding PayPal? If not there should be, it looks to me as though they are doing their own thing and getting away with it!
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    help i need lg vu 16 digit unlock code?

    i need help getting the 16 digit unlock code for my lg vu at&t please help me i dont want to pay and wheni called att they wanted me to pay them please help me get the code
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    What do I have to tell the DVLA when I leave this country to go and live in

    Don't do anything. Check and see if you need any special paperwork for France to register it when/if the time comes. As you may be looking around first you might not have a fixed address for some time. In Europe in order to register an imported car in some cases you need to have a residence...
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    Can you believe FIAT, probably Europe's weakest car company, is taking over OPEL

    and joining a US giant? A marriage 'made of heaven' or a disaster? 1) What about reliability? 2) Yes and Enzo must be turning in his grave! Do you think Ferrari is supporting Fiat or Fiat Ferrari and how many owners are out there?
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    Can you believe FIAT, probably Europe's weakest car company, is taking over OPEL

    and joining a US giant? A marriage 'made of heaven' or a disaster? 1) What about reliability? 2) Yes and Enzo must be turning in his grave! Do you think Ferrari is supporting Fiat or Fiat Ferrari and how many owners are out there?
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    Which car model is this, thanks in advance for replies.?

    Monday night my car was a victim of hit/run while parked in Heston-M'sex, a considerable amount of damage was done. I found the other car's wheel arch trim on the ground with P/N: MB826863 can anyone help identify the car model?
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    where do i stand with mercedes benz ?

    Take the issue up immediately, before taking the car to the body shop, with customer service, Mercedes - Germany.
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    Why do humans constantly complain and vilify those who are different?

    Why is it that we as humans so easily find other groups of people to stereotype and become suspicious of? Why don't we stereotype people positively or become extremely trusting of certain groups all of a sudden? Like if something good was done by a certain race or group, that we imagined all...