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  1. G

    Ultamate Showdown Bear grylls vs Survivor Man

    lol, I just glanced at each of thier Wikipedia articles, Bear has done a whole lot of crap, Les has...made some primitive living CD's or something..? bear ftw
  2. G

    A WoW Addicted Friend Headed A Bad direction..

    Buy him some weed
  3. G

    2010 or 2010?

    twenty ten. i don't say "me? well i was born in one thousand nine hundred and eighty eight".
  4. G

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    I kinda wished everyone ended up wearing a guy fawkes mask, if only to not give the cos any satisfaction in seeing faces.
  5. G

    things that are overated.

  6. G

    Do the dreams mean anything!!!!

    You had to beg for about two hours before I actually did though.
  7. G

    Might have to be in a fight....

    You can't just train for like a week and think you can fight. If its your first fight your adrenaline will go crazy and you'll forget about what you learned in a week. The best advice I think is to just go crazy, if you spaz out and are really mad and not just fighting to fight you'll win. Just...
  8. G

    Gaaah! I have such a girl crush on Zooey Deschanel!

    Damnit, she is the hottest girl alive. She looked amazing in Yes Man. I've had a crush on her ever since I seen that film :p:
  9. G

    How beautiful is she?!

    Nah, she's average I'd say. But wow, her voice is beautiful, I love it! Made her appear more attractive after I heard her. yay, and Bubbi, I love her! I think everything about her looks great. That 3rd youtube girl link though.. she's too thin, you can see the bones through her chest.
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    Trust me I'm smarter than you. :)
  11. G

    Is this Redneck?

    cholo mobile righ therrr
  12. G

    sony ericsson k850i unlocking?

    can anyone tell me the cheapest way to make my k850i on orange accept a o2 simcard
  13. G

    Help with Torrents?

    the download speed can be affected by many factors firstly you can limit the upload speed to allow more bandwidth for downloads and you could try to find a torrent that has more seeds(people who are uploading) also you can encrypt the torrent traffic because some isp s restrict such activity...
  14. G

    Help with Torrents?

    the download speed can be affected by many factors firstly you can limit the upload speed to allow more bandwidth for downloads and you could try to find a torrent that has more seeds(people who are uploading) also you can encrypt the torrent traffic because some isp s restrict such activity...