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  1. P


    pics without your boobies in
  2. P

    What is the most you have ever eaten at once?

    LOL just kidding, that wasnt even remotely funny.
  3. P

    facebook is gay too now

    Duck, I'm seriously wondering what you have been googling. Jacob, we can go to Wendy's.
  4. P

    fav. soft drink? v. idk

    it's the best and they don't sell it up north, sucks for you guys.
  5. P

    Girls Survey Only ?

    Only if my husband was Clive Owen ?
  6. P

    POLL: Will President Obama disappear, or be arrested?

    Let me see... He has lied to the country, his BIG plans come with NO funds which means more money out of OUR pockets, what he is planning on doing with the Medical field is utter Bull Sh**, now any idiot can be a doctor and that fact that Physicians will have to get approval from the Government...
  7. P

    POLL:: About Religion......?

    Biggest most successful business worldwide or Real stuff actual stuff... or.... State your own opinion :) Thank you everyone!! ?
  8. P

    How Many Sexual Predators Live Near You???

    6... one is 7 houses down from mine!
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    What holidays do the ?

    They never rest, they have no family to spend time with.
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    What holidays do the ?

    They never rest, they have no family to spend time with.
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    Do you think Santa picks up day laborers at Home Depot to help build toys?

    It's hard to tell... They are good at building BIG toys, Asians have smaller hands and more precise eyesight
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    Poll for Ladies: Do you like men with....?

    Facial hair? or No Facial Hair? I'm a sucker for Facial hair! Thank you everyone!!
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    What Celebrity Annoys You The Most?

    Honestly, I'm getting tired of reading about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, like they are the only people left on the planet. It's annoying to me
  14. P

    SURVEY:: Why do men complain about the silent treatment? Isn't that, like, free time?

    What is with Yahoo suggesting that for all of your questions?!?! Men are just big babies, look at the best buy guy I told you about earlier
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    SURVEY:: Aside form the Internet...?

    What is one program on your computer you could NOT be without? Thank you everyone!!!!
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    Why do people feel that its okay to make racist comments and ask racist...

    People are entitled to their opinion, regardless of whether we like it or not. It's not always the best thing that comes out of their thoughts, mouth or even written words. The one thing that can be done is ignoring it and not giving them any attention, they will eventually give up and go away...
  17. P

    POLL: Do I look gay ?

    You are flaming... I hope one day you get raped and then see if you find the humor in it..
  18. P

    SURVEY:: When was the last time....?

    You received an email that left you speechless...? I just did a few minutes ago... I don't know what it is I feel other than the obvious response I gave in reply... Thank you everyone