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  1. L

    Word Disassociation

  2. L

    Shipping my dirt bike.

    It actually would.
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    Do you use antiperspirant? And what kid?

    I just use a deodorant without an antiperspirant
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    My Late Night Breakfast Sandwich

    look at you you're doing another one of these accounts. talk about lack of originality
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    OS 6 for Blackberry 9650?

    Does anyone have any credible sources or info on when/if the Blackberry Bold 9650 will be getting OS 6?
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    Twilight Quiz Questions?

    My brain is boggled lol I cant think of any, i've been hosting a trivia group and Ive run out of questions to ask. I'm looking for unique and very difficult questions. For example i asked them what were the numbers on the school bus Alice, Jasper, and Edward rode on. Questions that make them...
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    When i want to burn a movie onto a dvd what is the best way to do this?

    If it is in a different format such as avi you will need a converter like convertxtodvd. If you want to make a copy of a movie you already own something like alcohol120 would be best. It would create an iso of the movie(Exact duplicate meaning menus and security would be intact. A perfect...
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    Which one is the best phone ez 10 points?

    the iphone or the storm or the n96? give as much detail as possible thanks
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    CNN vs. Fox News political coverage?

    OK, so why, and I want a serious explanation here, is CNN a pro- democratic/Obama channel and Fox is pro-Republican/Bush channel? People may claim it otherwise, but let's be honest, it's not hard to see who each channel favors more. What are the specific reasons that make them have these slants...
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    My new PSP slim wont play games. What could be the problem?

    I bought the God of War box set with the red psp I guess its a PSP-2001. When i tried to play God of War all that game up is a white screen at the main menu. Its still able to play the game but even in the game all that it shows is a white screen i can hear all of the sound, but its all...
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    Is it possible to install a GPS for a 2003 BMW 330xi?

    Yes is is very possible, you can upgrade your deck to a flip out touch-screen that has it all for around 500, or you can do it the cheap way and buy a hand held gps and buy the car mount for it and mount it on your dash. Some good brands are Magellan, Tom Tom...
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    why wont my touchscreen radio connect via bluetooth?

    i bout a 7" touchscreen radio with bluetooth but i cant get my bluetooth on my phone to find it how come?
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    What happens if you plug in a stereo plug into something meant for mono?

    I have a CB/PA set up (cobra 19) and I can't figure out what is wrong. The PA horn works because I tested it by plugging in my IPod to it. It sounded a bit muffled and I could barely hear the vocals. I am assuming that it is because I am using a stereo plug while it might require a mono plug...
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    Only one computer can connect to wireless internet with security?

    I have a wireless B linksys router. When I put WPA-PSK security on, it seems that only one computer can connect wirelessly to it. Whenever there is no security or encryption, it works fine. What could be causing this?
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    feeling buzzed while walking- dehydration?

    Maybe it's like the runners high for people who are in shape. Your threshold must be lower.
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    Headaches every day help please!?

    water and what's your blood pressure?
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    Has anyone heard of getting a free car on-line?

    Do you think I could get a plane the same way? How come I've never seen one of these cars? Did the person with the Red Bull can on their car get it for free? Do you think Nextel would want to advertise on someone's drunk mobile so they can crash into people and things and bring lawsuits on...
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    i got cought stealing a bluetooth it was the first time i was ever in

    If you live in the states, waterboarding until you name three of your friends.
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    how can we have a "yard sale" in an apartment?

    our townhome community has a yard sale once a year, we were not in town for our last one and would like to have one of our own. i'm pretty sure our landlord will not approve of something outside because they are SOOOOO anal. has anyone ever had one like inside their home? we are moving and...
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    Big Brother: What's your evaluation on the BB housemates continued.?

    I think your analysis of Mohamed as a Dude was not only accurate but very intuitive