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  1. M

    Is there any process or gadgets to record the cell phone of my wife who is...

    She left you - spying on her is illegal.
  2. M

    Worst winter ever!

    Damn. That sucks. and Cool story, Hansel.
  3. M

    Braces on Braces?

    because being married absofuckinlutely means you arent a virgin.
  4. M

    Crest Whitestrips? gewd or no?

    i'd give them a :tup:
  5. M

    Cybernation V5.0

    i hearts teh npo.
  6. M

    This guy said my hair was gay is it?

    if you watch the Fox network you will see that every guy on hannah montana, drake and josh, icarly, the suite like of zac and cody, etc... etc... etc...!! has your exact hair. it actually looks kinda cute and "surf guy" on you.. i would ignore what other people say because honestly - they are...
  7. M

    why does my chinchilla whine?

    mine did this when she was hungry, thirsty or wanted to come out to play. sometimes i think it is because they are lonely or scared, too...
  8. M

    Psychic do u see me having a cat as a pet in my future? and is it true i...

    if you want it to happen, it can - you know no one knows the future right? pyschics even admit that what they do is for entertainment only!
  9. M

    my daughter screams in order to communicate...?!?

    every time she wants something or is mad or her sister is picking on her she SCREAMS! i am so frustrated! she will be 2 on august 29th so she can't always tell us what she wants. the only thing so far we have come up with is "show us" then she shows us what she wants but this doesn't help...
  10. M

    Which religion do you think is better...Christianity or Buddhism?

    The bible states that the true (or, in your case, better) religion is helping the orphan and widow and the greatest commandment is love. Act on those things and I think you will achieve happiness.
  11. M

    why must people confuse God with religion?

    are we so set on following each other that we forget to worship or pray to God instead of paying man to "translate" what he THINKS the bible is about?!
  12. M

    Does anyone have any family members who are childfree?

    a person who doesn't want kids SHOULD be sterile
  13. M

    When you were a kid in the 70's & 80's did you ever go on family vacations in

    *lol* YES! i loved that station wagon :) no to the movie question though...