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    precum can contain live sperm depending on the amount of time since last ejaculation or how many times you have urinated since your last ejaculation. There is a chance, just very small
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    Happy ANZAC day

    eating babies
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    PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: DONT PLAY WITH FIRE(pics inside, this thread delivers)

    Cracka got shanked son...That's how it goes down in Boston...
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    Torn ACL

    Damn 25,000$. Thank god I live in Canada everything is free :)
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

    There's no joining fee you'll be errr, 'glad' to hear :) WEBCAM sex all the way, who needs the real thing? It's so 20th century....:rolleyes: Adieu.
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    Nasty Feet!!! *pictures shown*

    Just think of it as you're second toe being a little arrogant; wanting to stand out in the competition for attention. :H
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    Why are there so many abandoned cars on I-40 in New Mexico and Texas?

    I just drove that stretch of highway and there were so many cars just sitting there and some of them didn't look that old.
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    messing with the pizzaman

    so its halloween for my town and i want to fuck with the pizza man. wat should i do? my flame suit is on!
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    Can you demand verification of travel in court?

    I was all ready to have a hearing and the date was set. Amazingly about 4 days before the hearing the plaintiff suddenly filed for a motion to postpone the trial because she had to go out of the country for business AND THE JUDGE CHANGED THE DATE FOR HER! I think that is complete crap. I think...
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    Can earwax make you not hear well?

    It feels like my left ear it stopped up and when i push on the bottom of my earlobe and kinda push up to close my ear, when i let go it makes like a little "crackle" sound. I also can't hear very well out of that ear and i never used to have trouble with it.