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  1. G

    How to advertise my blog for free!?

    How can I advertise my blog for free?? The second day I got it I had some viewers now I usually have about 1 view a day! How can I advertise it??
  2. G

    So this is a story...

    never gonna give you up
  3. G

    Who , When and Where was Invented The First Ever Toilet?

    Who , When and Where is the Toilet first made or invented? Who Were the first ever manufacturer of high quality Toilets at those times? I'm just curious this question has been playing on my mind for about a month. But I can't find really that much information based on my Research.
  4. G

    Coke or Pepsi?

  5. G

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is naive! His "stick it to the man" problem solving will end up costing us dearly. The only ones getting stuck will be the taxpayer..
  6. G

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is naive! His "stick it to the man" problem solving will end up costing us dearly. The only ones getting stuck will be the taxpayer..
  7. G

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is naive! His "stick it to the man" problem solving will end up costing us dearly. The only ones getting stuck will be the taxpayer..
  8. G

    who would come out on top?

    jet lie ftw but actually idk.. because kimbo has like 80-100 pounds on all those guys, and even if theyre better fighters, which the other 3 are better than kimbo, he is just physically dominant so it would be hard to tell
  9. G

    What is the best program for converting/ripping DVD audio to wav files?

    I have a DVD and want to convert the audio only to wav file.
  10. G

    What is the best program for converting/ripping DVD audio to wav files?

    I have a DVD and want to convert the audio only to wav file.
  11. G

    What is the best program for converting/ripping DVD audio to wav files?

    I have a DVD and want to convert the audio only to wav file.
  12. G

    What is the best program for converting/ripping DVD audio to wav files?

    I have a DVD and want to convert the audio only to wav file.
  13. G

    Favorite pop

    no, i say tissue. nice try though.
  14. G

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is naive! His "stick it to the man" problem solving will end up costing us dearly. The only ones getting stuck will be the taxpayer..
  15. G

    Does Obama even realize what a wind-fall tax on Exxon-Mobile would do?

    Yes he is naive! His "stick it to the man" problem solving will end up costing us dearly. The only ones getting stuck will be the taxpayer..
  16. G

    Was Fred Rogers gay? I need to know.?

    He was Bi and Tri... Dude was the biggest freak.
  17. G

    Why do you believe in the Jewish fairy tail called the Holocaust?

    It is as false as the state of Israel. F&^K the jews!!!
  18. G

    Who is with me in congratulating Yukio Hatoyama as the Prime Minister of Japan?

    I believe the new Democratic Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama will do wonders in improving Japans economy and his cabinet will bring prosperity and justice to all functions of the Japanese system. I believe Yukio Hatoyama is Japan's Obama. Just as Obama brought us out of a recession...
  19. G

    =) who can rate my husky pup's photo? His name was indy!?

    That is cutest freakin puppy ever!
  20. G

    You must see this and share it?

    One of the most important youtube videos ever!