Search results

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    anyone who tried out for my cutest pet contest?

    the yahoo answers committee made me delete my post of the pet contest b/c it might be spam or something. I am sorry plz. forgive me for getting your hopes up!
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    omg, A walk to remember!!!!! so sadd!?

    ok, i ♥ this movie, but i am creeped out! ok, this movie is almost exaclty how i am!!! creepy, but i dont have cancer. this movie makes me cry so hard! what did u guys think about it? p.s. does any girls out there think that Landon Carter (shane west) is hot too?
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    pda organizer from scholastic (help me!)?

    ok, my friend got me a PDA/organizer today at the bookfair. the instructions were on the back of the box, but of course she is a blonde and threw the box away! and i am soooo confused on how to use it! it came with headphones so i assume that u can listen to the radio. and she said that you can...