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  1. T

    Looking for this website on fact quizzes?

    I used to go to this website and it had hundreds or thousands of fact quizzes. They were multiple choice and you were given 10? seconds. In the centre was the question/fact, etc. In big letters. Then there are four large rectangles in two columns (2x2) below that with the answers in big...
  2. T

    Is limewire still working for downloads?

    Limewire music and movies downloads still availiable?? What is just as good??
  3. T

    When traveling to Europe, how can I connect to the internet? ?

    My service provider says I cannot connect with them abroad. Do I need to find a provider in the area I'm traveling to? I'll be using my laptop DSL connection.
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    Going to Moldova, how do I connect to the internet there?

    My service provider says I cannot connect with them abroad. Do I need to find a provider in the area I'm traveling to? I'll be using my laptop DSL connection.
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    My provider says I cannot connect to the internet using my laptop in Moldova. ?

    Ill be using DSL. What do I have to do to connect to the internet in Moldova? Do I need to download from a ISP there?
  6. T

    Trip to Moldova in January?

    I'm from the United States, and I'm going to Moldova for 10 days. I will be meeting a woman there. My apartment is already paid for, but what is a reasonable amount of money to take for a 10 day stay?
  7. T

    bad workout routine??

    Little to much bro. Its hard for some people to do because they think they will not grow, but try working out 3 days each week. example.... biceps, traps,lats,and back on monday. chest, triceps, delts, on wed. Legs and abs on fri. If you diet is in check, i promise you will grow. Good luck to...
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    If a person has an iphone can they locate where you are just from your

    cell phone number? iphones can detect your location, but can it detect another person's location just from putting in their cell phone number where ever they are?
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    I am an American woman in my 30s and have read over the internet "Not to

    Marry an American Woman." This hurts. This hurts as I see that most men now prefer non-American women and that we American ladies are viewed as bad wives.... Ahh, but American men make good husbands? I feel so unwanted. It hurts. What is so wrong with loving an American woman? I know how to...
  10. T

    The effect interest groups have on politics:?

    First of all, do you agree that special interest groups are somewhat equally weighted? How do lobbies and interest groups influence elected politicians and political parties? Secondly, name a few of the major "players" in the invisible world of interest groups and lobbies that have been in...
  11. T

    Kentucky Derby jockey...?

    Has there ever been a African American jockey in the Kentucky Derby? And if so, have they ever won a Kentucky Derby?
  12. T

    Weather quiz?

    Flood and Earthquake within the past month. My nerves are shot.