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    The Acronym Thread (TAT)

    niggas in people's penis larvae, ejaculating cum
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    ITT: We Compliment The Poster Above Us

    He's a great guy
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    Ratmen are coming!

    My mistake pimp. Ratmen > Mexicans
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    tldr; night turns astray,get scared a few times, dog kills kitten & I witness. PICS

    tldr; night turns astray,get scared a few times, dog kills kitten & I witness. PICS your dogs a fucking champ
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    Scratch and wins?

    NO! This forum requires that you wait 45 seconds between posts. Please try again in 19 seconds. This forum requires that you wait 45 seconds between posts. Please try again in 8 seconds.
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    would you like a hummer?

    I dont like hummers anyways... despite the fact they guzzle gas...
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    Why are Democrats screaming the sky is falling and it's the Republicans fault?

    Chicken Little is so cute. I want to put him in my pocket...
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    replacing a motorola z3 keypad?!?

    when replacing just the external keypad is there any wires or anything to connect or worry about or do you just pop in the keypad and your good to go? please help and give all the information and details you know. thanks (=
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    whats ur favorite holloween movie?

    hocus pocus is a fav (=
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    there are sooo many sidekicks out there. which one do you think is the best? which one is the worst? whats the different between sidekick 1, sidekick 2, sidekick 3, sidekick slide, sidekick lx, and sidekick id?! thanks (=