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  1. J

    South park episode came to life 2/2

  2. J

    does ups reuse tracking numbers??

    no ups just sucks dick
  3. J

    Underwater Basketweaving

    S my D.
  4. J

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    so it begins.......
  5. J

    World to End on Dec. 20-21 2010?

    I was reading an article on Newton's theory of the end of the world in 2060. But I stumbled upon a user's comment on the website: "I say everyone predicts different days. Here in india, a saint was making a holy calender. He was unable to detect any thing after 20 dec 2010. Hundreds of people...
  6. J

    World to End on Dec. 20-21 2010?

    I was reading an article on Newton's theory of the end of the world in 2060. But I stumbled upon a user's comment on the website: "I say everyone predicts different days. Here in india, a saint was making a holy calender. He was unable to detect any thing after 20 dec 2010. Hundreds of people...
  7. J

    I got my girlfriend prego. :(

  8. J

    Why does my Chevrolet C15 quit?

    I have a 91 Chevrolet C15 V6 4.3 2wd TBI 5 speed. After driving for a long time, it just dies. It doesn't cut right out it gradually will just die. I replaced the ignition module and fuel filter. The problem is after a long time it loses fuel to the throttle body. If you wait 5-10 minutes you...
  9. J

    If the world were going to end...

    make an epic as hell sammich
  10. J

    Did 0bama remember not to rant about destroying the jobs & lives of coal miners...

    Apparently he has more respect for the memories of the dead than his opponents who are using this tragedy to try to score political points.
  11. J

    need help with my new machina gadget deck?

    monsters: 2 cyber dragon 3 machina gearframe 3 machina fortress 2 machina soldier 2 green gadget 2 red gadget 2 yellow gadget 1 oilman 2 machina force 2 scrap recycler spells: 1 mst 1 limiter removal 2 book of moon 3 smashing ground 2 fissure 2 soliditary 1 brain controll traps: 3 dimensional...
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    That must be it then! :woo:
  13. J

    Well guyz

    I have 2 feedbacks now?
  14. J

    Is this proof God has a sense of humor? Republicans have always claimed the

    Isnt it interesting all the adulterers in the Rep party? Yet they criticize the Clintons who actually stayed together and supported each other.
  15. J

    Have you thought about how you will argue with the Death Panel?

    May as well think about what I am gonna ask Santa for Christmas. neither exists.
  16. J

    It's very hard for me to fall asleep, and when i do fall asleep, my girl...

    ...friend complains I move Alot.? I been having problems for a long time, and now I always wake up, and my girl friend is in another bed, because she complains I move a lot, and always hit her in the bed, any Idea's on what I can do to fall asleep easier and sleep calmly? and please don't give...
  17. J

    If we conceed and let homos get married, will Liberals give us back all

    You already have the right to own guns, free speech, buy whatever you want to and listen to whomever you want to. As far as stealing money and elections, well if Conservatives didnt steal elections then Liberals wouldnt complain about it. If you are referring to taxes as stealing your money...
  18. J

    I'm 21 years old, and am gay and met a gay man who is 50, please help?

    Just be honest. Personally i dont have a problem with age differences but if you do, then be open about it.
  19. J

    Can a laptop be used to connect the PS3 to the internet(ethernet port)?

    I am using a Modem right now for my PS3 but will soon be geting a Laptop(will us ROAD RUNNER BRoadban ) and was wondering if its possible. If so give me a tab or just tell me hot to do my self