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  1. S

    Cheating in exams

    I agree with SGT. Ashida Kim for example knows little or nothing about MA and look at his pupils hehe. Realistically I would want to do poor in an exam and know more rather than get an A and know less. Cheating in an exam in the end is cheating yourself
  2. S

    post your favorite quote

  3. S

    Uh oh...the nerds are at it again....

    There are also a number of Dr's, PhD's and Profs some of whom are in decent universities who promote intelligent design as a valid scientific theory. Being a member of the scientific community by no means equates to having a solid understanding of the details of specific controversies nor does...
  4. S

    The Confession Thread

    Still in my dressing gown
  5. S

    Marine questions

    is there a thank you for protecting my freedom bj with that too?
  6. S

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    I used to have OCD bad, like walking over cracks and tiles it would always have to be even. It stills happens sometimes to this day. I try not to do it too much and not to think about it.
  7. S

    Sound Game

    1 million internets if you can get this. edit : (now with player) Reported :dodgy:
  8. S

    Wtf!!!???!! Earthquake In Socal!!!

    I hate earthquakes... Scares the living **** out of me... Here in NORCAL, we had a 5.7 earthquake...*****... I thought I was going to die... -_- hope your so-cal homie's are aight...
  9. S

    Things are getting rough

    Sorry to hear that-things are tough all over at the moment.Maybe nows the time to go for it and sign yourself up with uncle sam!
  10. S

    Free Gas

  11. S

    thugs in car run down dog trainer, and run over her three pups...

    I'd have thought that the attempted murder of a HUMAN BEING should take preference in the sentencing. What sort of world are we living in when the only reason this made news is because of the dogs? They also ran her over!
  12. S

    Men, women, and sex

    Yes and I simply explained it takes time to change a cultrue. To which you went off ranting calling people stupid.
  13. S

    Biodiesel from algae has some infromation on hydrogen. has some to.
  14. S

    So fucking bored at work

    Genghis didn't you just get like 2500 dollar check or something? It can't be that bad...
  15. S

    Was I wrong?

    Just phone a scrapyard and pay for it to be towed.
  16. S

    text sex? wtf?

    you forgot 90% of the people on this board are underrage.
  17. S

    Political correctness....

    Wow - either you're really good at justifying your misguided racism or your really bad at discerning cause and effect. That the government system that entitles housing to veterans is dysfunctional is hardly the fault of immigrants. "Our government is so screwed up... I know - let's blame...
  18. S

    rate the SIGNATURE above you
