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    WWE wrestler-Eddie Guerrero passes away

    Officially steroid use isn't encouraged, but if the promoter wants to contract larger more muscular wrestlers then its as good as. And I think this is the problem Eddies always had with being a smaller wrestler.
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    Haunted Swing Set?

    At first I thought it was just a breeze but the second half of the video was kinda creepy.
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    Gun Control

    Article 2 Section 1 Clause 3: "The number of Representatives for each state depends on its population, but each state is entitled to at least one Representative. The population of a state originally included all "free persons", three-fifths of "other persons"" Are you saying that those 'other...
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    How can I post pictures for my car on Ebay?

    Hi Could anybody let me know please how I can post pictures NICELY on Ebay for my car what I want to sell.I was thinking about those scroll-down pictures,when they are following each other without any gap or space.I already have the pictures on my computer and on photobucket too. Thank you for...
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    Celeb websites
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    mother put baby in microwave

    Because someone is standing behind you forcing you to open and read the thread? Sure, don't click on the thread. See above comment. I'm guessing your exempt from sucking however
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    A whole new low...

    So we know the real reason why this kid died! Ozzy was quite obviously the conductor of this train, and it was a crazy train goin' off the rails.
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    My Adventure To Greystone

    You seriously just quoted all the pictures to say one completely shitty sentence? :crash:
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    so uh, yeah soap.

    Well, snakes could get dirty wherever they are hiding, I mean, luggage compartments are pretty dirty so I'd assume SOAP can get dirty. edit: oooooh. Soap as in the fatty acid, not snakes on a plane.
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    RIP Nelson Mandela

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    So do you Sit, or Stand on the wipe?

    I squat slightly as well. I guess that's more of a stand though?
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    I have a confession

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    Current Pirate Activity Map

    I was just thinking that, and then I scrolled down and saw that. thank you. :tup:
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    Help! PUPS!

    Cheers Wry. She's actually very good with the sit and stay coofftopicnds. She will sit back while we put food down for her, until we say go on then. She sits in an instant so her last owners must have taught her that much at least.
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    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence

    99% of readers of "The Sun" (reactionary British rag) say bring back death sentence Do Cheese Eaters get free samples of a different cheese taped to the front each month? I think Topher had a good point about making decisions based on evidence and not emotion. I bet the majority of those Sun...
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    Ice cream decisions: mint chocolate chip or chocolate.

    see you in court sweet cheeks
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    I guess you think Im nuts!?

    Personally I like dogs that are big enough that you don't have to bend down to stroke them Newfies! It's like owning a bear. Shame the buggers slobber everywhere (most big dogs seem to have jowls for some reason *groan*)
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    Should women fight on the frontline?
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    beverage of choice

    purple sprite
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    Sammich Game

    miracle whip? you sir are the whitest of white :tdown: