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  1. R

    Storing petrol in my bath.

    You could store it in your car fuel tank and get the bus instead.
  2. R

    Dangerous Dog Act

    Most of the problems that we have with dogs is based soley upon the owner's sholders. I love big dogs and have always owned big dogs- I grew up with danes and my first dogs were chow mixes. If you are going to own a dog that is more powerful then you are (and let's face reality, my little...
  3. R

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    yanks are from Northern States. I am from New York so I am a Yankee. Those who fly confederate flags are by definition confederates. The people who burn crosses and dress up like ghosts are confederates.
  4. R

    What do you think of the Electronic voice Phenomenon?

    Got to agree with your last statement Dangermouse, an open mind and not being hampered by preconceived views/beliefes seem to be the best way to look at pretty much anything, thats not the same as believing everything anyone tells you though some people like to act as though it is. By the way...
  5. R

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Too skinny.
  6. R

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Pfft! Pandas are th3 d34dly! . just because!
  7. R

    Weird/Embarrasing things your parents have said?

    Highly doubt it. This is always an entertaining thread however, so carry on.
  8. R

    Using the Swear Filter for LOLZ

    Bad news folks, had to turn off that modification because it was (for some reason) stopping any capitalisation in posts
  9. R

    6 months to go till the end of the world...Are you prepared?

    rations $1.62/€1.31/£1.03 per serving seem pretty good value
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  11. R

    Hear yee Hear yee!!

    Lmao, I noticed that to.
  12. R

    Bank Account Question

    i lol'ed
  13. R

    police assualt 15 year old girl

    No im not defending him im just saying that cops put up with a heck of alot of crap every day and sometimes the smallest thing after all the other crap can set you off, the cop probably needed a holiday and then i could be totaly wrong and he just likes hurting people. In my line of work i have...
  14. R

    Wild Kitten in my backyard

    peta will happen.
  15. R

    Anyone go to a tanning salon?

  16. R

    Some suggestions for a date

    he's like a horrible stereotype, its only a matter of time before they catch him in the act,
  17. R

    The Picture game

  18. R

    my daughters 12 i want her to act more like a teenager that her goofyness please...

    Why? We grow up too fast as it is. On the other hand she needs to earn the right to have perks - like a boyfriend. Give her more adult responsibilities - aka chores. Kids will rise to the occasion. She needs to have a job at home that gives her a reason to be more responsible. Good Luck!
  19. R

    15 - hate parents, have depression, want to runaway what should I do?

    Been there....done that. See if you're parents would consider letting you live at a friends house for a while - like a teen swap or extended sleep over. Or if going to school isn't much of an issue - see if you can live with your grandparents or an will give you a break and a new...
  20. R

    so mom angered me a little.....wat to do from here?

    Be the bigger man. Can you call him and tell him first? Confess and take responibility over the phone? Responding physically won't help...I'm sorry you're in this tight spot. Don't blame your mom. Your dad will have to stick up for her first. Just be the bigger person...say you may have...