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  1. S

    Quotes you live by

    Life's a game, but chess is for real.
  2. S

    most popular word ?!?!

    Yeah gay LOL I'm guilty of overusing this word though so ya know...
  3. S

    acronym game

    tits up rent to loosen enzymes AIDS :dodgy:
  4. S

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Does it come with a paper bag?
  5. S

    ever felt **** on your birthday?

    Awww someone can use the anon button, bless.
  6. S

    good thing to wake up to

    get out of bed earlier you damn lazy punks
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    The Picture game

  8. S

    my 1999 ford expedition wont start?

    Stimulate the economy! Buy a new car!
  9. S

    What religion might my neighbours be? Do they believe I'm a God?

    I believe your neighbors might be Fornicist missionaries. They believe that you are the Kama Sutra, god of Fornicism. You should go over and talk to them and ask if you could be part of their prayer circle...that is, unless you are a jerk. Nobody likes a prayer circle jerk.
  10. S

    Does architecture have a bright future?

    Hard to say anymore. Economic conditions suggest that there is no money anywhere and pretty much every industry is sluggish right now. Usually, the only problem with going into architecture is that its VERY difficult to make a name for yourself and very difficult to make any money until you...
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    Do Christians lie to their children more blatantly than other religions?

    They honestly don't think that they are lying. I know it seems hard for an educated person to believe...but they think they are teaching their kids the truth. Sick, eh?
  12. S

    Should I Wait Till Next Year To Purchase An HDTV?

    I think no matter when you buy, there's always going to be something better and more desireable just on the horizon when it comes to technology. If you can afford what you want, I say buy it, especially if this is your first move into the "HD" market. Be sure to get 1080p and a blu-ray player...
  13. S

    Boat hoist size?

    I have a deck boat that weighs 2,960 pounds. The maximum occupancy rating (people and equipment) is 1,600 pounds. I was thinking about getting a 3,500 pound boat hoist, will this be enough, or is it recommended that I go higher? Is there some formula to figure this out?
  14. S

    how to get your dad to get you your first car?

    Well it looks like your dad is completely justified looking at your las sentence there... I sure as hell wouldn't let my 16 year old son get anywhere near a vehicle if the word "racing" ever even crossed paths with the word "car." Wow....I am old.
  15. S

    Blu Ray? i Bought a blu Ray DVD?

    So you bought Blu Ray Discs without owning a Blu Ray player? May i ask why you did this?
  16. S

    Blu Ray? i Bought a blu Ray DVD?

    So you bought Blu Ray Discs without owning a Blu Ray player? May i ask why you did this?