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  1. T

    More old men n d province still walking while n d cities looked sickly & dying, why?

    They don't ride cars, they walk. It's a very good exercise for the muscles and the heart. Then, there is little pollution in the countryside - they breathe fresh air all the time hence clean lungs. They eat fresh vegetables - more vegetables than meat. Also, country folks are more of...
  2. T

    More old men n d province still walking while n d cities looked sickly & dying, why?

    In the in rural areas, there's no fast foods, no rush hour, less pollution, less stress. Overall a rural guy has less problems to deal with compared to the man in the city. What you you saw, the old men that that looked sickly and dying, probably lived in crowded crank housing, held...
  3. T

    What to do abt. son?

    I would not punish him for defending himself.
  4. T

    Ladies help me?

    Confront them both.
  5. T

    I married a Philippino?

    ESL classes for one if she has a hard time with English. If she is able to understand English well enough, many state colleges and universities will allow competency exams in order for advanced placement in school. This might help since her BA will not be recognized. Could get an AA/AS or work...
  6. T

    I married a Philippino?

    i am sorry
  7. T

    When your at work , what do you look forward to.?

    when everybody returns to their desks after break time and i can rifle thru the fridge unbothered~
  8. T

    What's the best questions to ask on a job interview?

    Do not ask about not ask about will not be asked back.........
  9. T

    how can i activate internet options in IE7?

    just unistall IE7 then it will works normally..