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  1. D

    We Are Next !

    Welcome to our newest member: ƒLiP.lulz no joke this is 100% serious!!!!!!!!!
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    Tendency to be attracted by specific accents - why?

    GOOD Sweedish - all good Cockney - just love the way they talk Southern - Italian - English upper crust - just sounds so smooth South African - has its moments French - can be good but usually just irritates me BAD Russian Chinese Californian New York I think some of the reason people...
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    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    Hate my name, mainly cause the place I live rhymes with it and a part of the body does to. So people say "Oh it is ... from ... with his ..." annoying.
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    Train of thought game

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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    When people ask me advice on long rifles and don't know anything about what they're looking for or at. A rifle is something you need to know the model/make, round caliber, distance you plan on shooting (hunting in this case), the MOA of the rifle, etc.. It's the equivalent of asking which...
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    girl born with two faces...

    what a two faced bitch
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    If could destroy one continent

    ;46340047']Honestly, North America. If the human race ends as a result of our own actions, the United States will be largely, if not soley, responsible. So, North America would be my choice, Canada is just an innocent bystander.
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    So My IQ is 159.....what about you?

    195 and i totally baked idk how this happened
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    Woman sacked for shoplifting 40 years ago

    They were just following Federal law. Doesn't sound like there is much they could do to keep her.
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    What The...

    Spamming isn't apreciated on most chat rooms... What the!
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    The Self-Depricating thread

    I'm unhappy about your physical appearance.
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    Birthday present?

    .09 gpa
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    what is your occupation

    My bad... smack my bum... Welsh is the oldest spoken language in Europe...Latin has been a dead language for centuries.
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    When we say that an individual organism has a greater fitness?

    B. Remember, the goal in life is to produce as much viable offspring as possible that can live on to produce their own
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    What is a good history/government conspiracy book?

    Odessa Angels and Demons (anything about Area 51)
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    I Need A Pencil Case!?

    Buy it at Walmart?
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    Sprint Problems? Endurance issues?

    Run the 100m dash in practice. Your body has to get used to that speed and distance. You won't get any better if you run miles all day long at practice.
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    Why are there troubled people out there; who think that the Oil Company's are

    What are you talking about?! Oil companies get MASSIVE TAX BREAKS which reduce their costs by so much, it's not even funny! They are charging the populous so much even though their profits are still so high. So honestly, oil companies should take significant blame behind high gas prices!