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  1. K

    Nitro RC?

    damn nice.
  2. K

    waking up with hangover?? remedy

    Crisco beer.
  3. K

    [Thailand] Swiss man jailed for 10 years for insulting Thai king

    If I had a penny for every time I've seen someone use the "I'm just messing with you guys I don't even care what you say" defense after saying something stupid... well I would have a lot of pennies. Probably enough for a fair few ice creams
  4. K

    Name This Animal

    I think so...
  5. K

    My daughter won the 2013 International Pole Championship

    god blind me, me eyeballs have escaped their socketses! Good show! Proof that one need not begin gymnastics at age four in order to achieve sublime flexibility.
  6. K

    strange thinga in mah box!

    VINEWHIP THE MUDKIPZ Goodness, if its a breeding ground, I know where to go to get XP now.
  7. K

    Thought of the Day

    Seem legit. Bachmann: 9/11 And Benghazi Were God's Judgment - YouTube
  8. K

    The American Infallibility Complex

    Good point. Jacksonville is it's own little world.
  9. K

    Jesse Ventura

    My friends from Minnesota think he was a terrible Governor (not that that stopped Mitt Romney).
  10. K

    Posters of the year

    threads now being made, no more nominations
  11. K

    What kind of flute did David Carradine play?

    Hi Hatamoto, your flute looks like the one played in Bali associated with gamelan music. I cant for the life of me remember the name of it, and tried a quick look just then but couldn't find the indigenous name for it. If you can get someone to show you the scale for it it sounds very cool paul
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    Fap for the CURE GENTLEMEN!

    I am le` tired
  13. K


    Holy shit that's the best thing that's ever happened to me ever
  14. K

    Paris Hilton out.

    Surely a shift in objective from punishment to rehabilitation
  15. K

    Are there street legal headers to replace a cracked exahust manifold on a 1989

    Toyota 4runner? ? I have a cracked exhaust mainfold -- 4 cyl engine. Any advice appreciated.
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    Should i date a 15 almost 16 year old when im almost 20?

    I am 19 and going to be 20 in sept and she is 15 going to be 16 in sept. so my question is would its just be absolutely wrong to date her. i really like her and she is absolutely in love with me. like she even forced me to go out with her lol. im am pretty much considered a loser i guess lol...
  17. K

    My Bike handle bar keeps on shifting back and forth when i ride?what should

    i do? is it the headset? my handle bar keeps moving back and forth losely every time i add pressure going back and forth to the handle bar and every time i stand on the bike. what should i do o.o need help please
  18. K

    How do i know what kind of bike i have?(pics in profile)?

    i have this really old bike that has been in my basement for a few years and i want to know its make. the pictures are in my profile thanks
  19. K

    All I have is the lines on my stomach that makes it look like i have abs, How... i actually get them? when i flex it looks like i could have abs what kind of exercises could i do to tighten the muscles?
  20. K

    Where can i buy Blueberry Monster Crunch cereal... in the store or online...?

    i really liked that cereal .... i went to the store today and they didnt have it anymore...HELP!!!! IM GETTING THE SHAKES!!!