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  1. I

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

  2. I

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Ban Bahng for redundancy
  3. I

    Why you never run out onto the mat without permission

    Look at it this way.... Natural selection....natures way of weeding out the ................ stoopid kids!!!!!!!! bwahahahahahahaha
  4. I

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    Semper Fi and yes.
  5. I

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    Actually the USMC makes you not a douchebag, but your av still screams tool
  6. I

    Can someone help me with practice quiz math?

    base and exponent forbeach power 1. find the area of a square with a side of 6m. (hint area = s2) 2. Write an expression for 4 as a factor 5 times this is for a practice test and i have nooo idea what do do
  7. I

    Tidying Up Support Thread

    Mooney's female...
  8. I

    Cattle Farmer Gives 40 Pints of Beer and Massages for his herd

    I actually think they did it to up the calorie intake of the cattle if I remember rightly, the stuff they fed them was horrible stuff you couldn't feed to people but the cows loved it.
  9. I

    I Hate Life

    [No message]
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    Word Disassociation

  11. I

    Have you ever actually had a wet dream?

    I've had those and I hate them... It's like something that makes you repel from your point of balance, right? If anything they're just fucking frustrating.
  12. I

    To anyone who has been in a long term relationship. Am I a controlling BF?

    And you're fine with her going out 3 out of the 4 weekends in a month in spite of the fact you know it bothers you? That doesn't sound like much of a compromise and I don't see it doing much but temporarily slowing the problem. You didn't fix the issue, you just swept it under the rug and hoped...
  13. I

    So wheres Nelson?

    No doubt everyones heard about whats going on in Zimbabwe at the moment, with Mogabe destroying whole villages and towns and so forth. Has anyone noticed that Nelson Mandela, whos usually so quick to criticise the evil white man, has been completely silent over this issue? Also, does anyone...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    My mobile internet signal at work is so rubbish it's not funny. Grrrrrrrrrr to working out in the sticks.
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    how to download free music into a USB without a limewire?

    with out anything that's complicated like laptop just easy like on the computer
  16. I

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    What about a Husky? Sheppys are too inbred now. Too many problems by default.
  17. I

    Teen dies after being buried in hot asphalt

    or he was working for a construction company and the driver poured to much from the truck :facepalm:
  18. I

    what movies star kim catrall?

    She was in the Ice Princess and the SATC movies
  19. I

    what to do mang

    fixed *fap*
  20. I

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    Japanese proverbs can go shove their worthless crap into the bin. After running after that car, I have no need for proverbs.