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  1. P

    Would you want to Mod Small Talk?

    and its all the ones like you who make this statement correct. read the post above yours :crash:
  2. P

    i like...

    embed much
  3. P

    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste)
  4. P

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    When rockets are fired at Israel, should Israel use it's radar system to return fire to that location automatically in the hopes of killing the people who fired the rockets?
  5. P

    What are you better at than anyone else on ST?

    I don't Think it IS. ucwatididthar?
  6. P

    Chop off the arms and legs of every male between the ages of 14 and 40

    Interesting thread, Taff. When I saw the title, I just assumed you were a parent with your oldest daughter approaching adolescence. I understand!
  7. P

    The World Cup

    what sporting event is bigger? edit - I hope not.. I'll have one seriously angry BJJ coach if they lose
  8. P

    Papercut support group

    The only thing worser than a papercut is a papercut in the little joiny bit between your fingers.
  9. P

    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    Would everyone pretty much agree with the following scale? It goes from most reprehensible in my eyes to least. 1) Attacking civilians and children without warning trying to kill and maim them. 2) Using children to attack with or using human shields. 3) Attacking a non-military target...
  10. P

    Medi has passed away.

    What a shock. My condolenses to his family and loved ones. He will be missed.
  11. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Hopefully he's just a weird person who had consensual sex with his one-year-younger girlfriend as a teen... What a crappy thing to have to deal with. Sorry to hear this.
  12. P

    Would you be a vampire?

    Only if you take a bath.
  13. P

    What do you want to be when u grow up?

    I'm currently getting my business degree at the university while working at the best restaurant chain in BC, Cactus Club. I plan to become a manager at Cactus once I've received my diploma and make around $60,000 a year managing there for the next couple of years. Once I've graduated at the...
  14. P

    Blog sites for Martial Artist?

    Maybe I'm just tired. Been a long day. But that first part made no sense at all. The answer to your question about women is simple. Women talk. When they're on the web they're more into the social aspect and finding deals. Women join a gym to lose weight. They put them selves under enormous...
  15. P

    Growing old gracefully vs cheating!

    Nothing ages worse or scars more than elderly ladyboys. They're neither ladies nor boys.
  16. P

    BBC reporter drops a yob with a kick to the nuts!

    It wasn't the kick to the groin that KO'd him, if you watch closely the guy connects with a punch to the head at the same time. Apparently the reporter has a black belt in Karate. Was a little disappointed that he let it go on so long.
  17. P

    Supporting members area

    Lol.... I should have my payment into you guys around Friday eve or Sat morn depending on what my hours are Friday. I'm really looking forward to the bigger avatar allowance and the super secret cult forum.
  18. P

    Webpage software

    Notepad (me dunno any designing softwares ) -TkdWarrior-
  19. P

    Cold Sore Removal

    wack it off ;)
  20. P

    getting rid of parental controls

    while your at it, post your social security number on 4chan! try to avoid downloading viruses...k?