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  1. M


    Psychopathy, sucididal risk taking and rape.
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    Facepalm Smiley!

    It doesn't work when I do it. :facepalm: What am I doing wrong?
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    The Ctrl+V game (Orpaste) I was looking up stuff that I could coat my wall in so I could practice graffiti in my room.
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    How does YouTube get away with sex scenes like this?!?!

    if your mom is a hotty that could lead to an even hotter scene.
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    Unofficial DnD thread

    My son built his Carnifex to kill things like that and regardless of that fact my other Son still sent his squad of Black Templars against it, he's eight and got them beuase he thought they looked cool
  6. M

    Anna Nicole Smith, dead

    lol exactly!
  7. M

    Saddam Hussein sentenced...

    Ya know, I don't care. I had way more important things to worry about than what politician did what and why, things like will I and my squad come back whole today, will I or one of my guys get killed, will I lose another, will we run into a bad situation and get f***** over untill help arrives...
  8. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I actually understand this one. It's a reference to communal living. People tend to steal each other's food if they think they can get away with it, lol.
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    Severe Drug Penalties (BALI)

    in which case extra vigilance is required, not legal exemption. surely it is the same for malaysian nationals travel abroad? it is up to the malaysian courts to decide whether or not the individual is guilty or innocent.
  10. M


    I would **** that ***** from that mother****ing *** ********** *****************. EDIT: ****.
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    Weekly Sketch Thread - instructional and reference

    Thanks for the teacher recommendations, Slip. I only knew of 4 of those names. I also really like Robert Beverly Hale's stuff; especially his "Master Class in Figure Drawing" book. There are a couple of his lecture videos on YouTube if anyone's interested.
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    U.S. Drones Killing Citizens Without Due Process

    I wonder if most people will actually understand the true context behind what you said. On that note, I did and couldn't agree more.
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    Tottenham Riots

    I don't know of a single banker who burned people's houses down while they were still in them. That is what the rioters were doing. The bankers may have behaved irresponsibly, but they didn't break the law so far as we know. When he politicians expenses scandal hit. Politicians were made to pay...
  14. M

    US embassies attacked

    You're not really comparing like-for-like there. Two very different issues. Of course, the laws regarding 'hate speech' against people based on their race or religion vary from country to country. And while a few countries have made Holocaust-denial a specific offense, most have not.
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    Dealing with late teen girl, life advice

    Oh I know the feeling. I got a degree and still dont have any idea what I want to do. But - she is 17. She got lots of time.
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    alright, lets see if u can live up to your name.
  17. M

    Shin-Kicking Competition Anyone?

    So little time, in fact, that it would soon grow to about 500 posts, or so...
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    No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

    Yes you are. You can't see it because you're the one actually doing it, but it's obvious to everybody else- by citing the naughty 'over the top political correctness nazis', you are giving yourself room to be slightly more racist than you would otherwise be.
  19. M

    Best Politician Ever!

    Funny Boris could have just rode by and no one would have known any better. I think that at least he had the courage to see what was up when asked for help. Warriorofanart you haven't met many Chav girls in South Cal lately... think female 'Bloods' heh heh... (yeah I know the Bll Hicks stuff...