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  1. H

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I want to see the government putting their foot down and telling the US to find another country to fly their weapons shipments through. Chance are though we'll give them free fuel. I have never been so tempted to vote tory as I am now,
  2. H

    Licking your own elbow.

    You can't roll your tongue? I can! Can't remember if it's 1 in 4 people that can, or 1 in 4 that can't
  3. H

    lower-48 geography test

    If you think that's tough you should see the tests my daughter has in kindergarden. Coloring in the lines on a computer. I can't even do that.
  4. H


    Anyone have an old VW Beetle?
  5. H

    Why are nerdy males so emotional and touchy?

    examples sam tomilson, as said by papers was a geek/nerd who was intelligent but emotionally naive. tried to stab his ex girlfriend to death because she wasnt talking to him every second of her life. vincent tabak when he got rejected nerd got depressed and randomly slit some boys throat who he...
  6. H

    Gaddafi is dead

    hannibal you crack me up
  7. H


    I bought it from Argos yesterday. Sorted. But thanks for the feedback - I'll remember this next time I consider buying anthing. Nice one folks
  8. H

    Does anyone actually use Yell anymore?

    I've not had my hair cut in about 5 years, if not longer, probably explains why I've not used the Yellow Pages in ages, other than to throw at my house mats door to wake him up when I couldn't be arsed at going up the stairs to bang on the door... ah how I miss the uni days ...
  9. H

    If you could go back in time, knowing what you know today

    i would have dealt with my depression issues much sooner, before they ended up bringing irreparable consequences. but as everyone's saying, what's done is done, and dwelling is futile. life marches on
  10. H

    i need help fixing my samsung impression sgh-a788?

    i locked my sim card earlier and now my phone says i need to enter the code but when i did that it did not work ( yes i entered the right code) after i tried it the first time i tried other codes then it will not let me try anymore and i can only make emergency calls, i don't know how to unlock...
  11. H

    Merry Christmas From George Bush!

    I saw this video clip on the news and I thought could the president of america be anymore silly than this?
  12. H

    What is your result in this funny survey No.2?

    I kissed a chair because I am a boogie baby too! :D
  13. H

    What is your result in this funny survey?

    I ignored a computer cause i felt lonely... wait what?
  14. H


    While there are lot of phones out there that do the same stuff, i.e. play music brows the web take photos etc the UI that apple designed around those elements stands alone in the market.
  15. H

    What's a good title for my autobiography?

    "Journey of my life" would be good. instead of "my" u can also try putting your name or famous nickname. good luck by the way.
  16. H

    How much time will it take to know whether my chicken soup for the soul...

    ...story is going to be published? i sent submissions to "". how much time will it take to know whether my story is goin to be published?
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  18. H

    Getting Braces Off! Need Help!

    get full head gear and hang Christmas ornimates off it :tup:
  19. H

    Suburban Ninja

    He's normal
  20. H


    sure you can, but personally id take a shoe lace, tie the knife to the end of a thick stick and use it as a spear so i didnt have to get too close to the bear.