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  1. K

    Halloween party ideas needed!!! please

    Drop some acid and go as god
  2. K

    Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

    Dammmnnn... beat me to it Classic quote.
  3. K

    Dreams about a tornado

    Hey would you look at that, I found an interpretation:
  4. K

    Why is this no surprise? Idiots... just idiots

    What an idiot! Just adds to my belief that politicians are good for one thing. Fertilizer.
  5. K

    The Shit You Do And Dont Get In Trouble For

    so your a fag, k?
  6. K

    Super hero/villain thread

    superman powers. but i wouldn't fight crime, i'd just play football and make millions
  7. K

    Thought of the Day

    very misunderestimated
  8. K

    ST im under attack!!

    SUP3R SN1P3R T4K3 A1M! :dodgy:
  9. K

    The Randomness Thread

  10. K

    What does Homosexuality mean to you?

    Some homosexuals are effeminate, some are butch rugby players. Some straight men cry at bambi, some don't. Bruce Lee said, "some branches grow strong, some weak". All part of the same tree though. I don't see Alan Carr promoting homosexuality. This is offensive. Are you labelling...
  11. K

    slc, UT

    Pics of said broad?
  12. K


    Really, let put it context with the nuclear bombing of two civilian populations by the U.S. while the Japanese were trying to negotiate a surrender? Estimate 220,000 civilians killed instantly. The Bear.
  13. K

    Suspect World Championships.

    Come on guys. Get your thinking caps on! There must be a few more.
  14. K

    How do you deal with a person you don't like

    We live in a sad, sad world when women like that are classed as plus sized.
  15. K

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Topher Av - 7. What the hell is it? It looks kinda cool though. Sig - 7. Carl Sagan is the shizzle. Don't quite get what Hannibal was going after.
  16. K

    Are you a Geek??

    Go on Kickchick!!!
  17. K

    what be your favorite Stoner food?

    WoW i hope to god your not serious........ no joke i read this and hit myself in the fucking wasn't even a facpalm, it was a straight hit to the face that was soooo fucking stupid
  18. K

    do any gorai on here find this funny?

    you got any info on the language pashto?
  19. K

    Al Capones Vault!!!

    Maybe Osamas in there :dodgy:
  20. K

    When i grow up i want to be a.......

    Well then...Ill show you my firestation.