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  1. T

    How can i write a good introduction to an english project?

    How can i write a good introduction to an english project? My guidelines are given as: 1.)What do you intend to do 2.)why is the work important 3.)what has already been done 4.)What are your predictions about your work My topic is : '' Is migration bane or boon? I am Studying in 8 Class...
  2. T

    Food & Drink?

    Food & Drink? food: drink: snack:
  3. T

    Any snake experts? (gore-ish, dead snake inside)

    Waste of time. Should've just chucked that shit into the neighbors lawn. :dodgy:
  4. T

    Licking your own elbow.

    Bah, I live in the frozen north, the land of ice and snow, y'all don't know nothing bout cold
  5. T

    trick or treat

    i have hair but it's not long so are you not going to invite me? i make up for the lack of hair in otherways.
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    Iraq Sucks

    so what's going on? am I getting fucking punked or something?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Lol, I don't think you're ever 'too old'. What is this rule saying only -20s can enjoy screamo?
  8. T

    One for the females

    Are you saying it'd work?
  9. T

    check out my huge banana!!!

    the shoe next to the banana is a fram, it doesn't get any shinier than that. the ones in the corners are my dgaf shoes and i dgaf how shiny they are. and fuck rotc, get your shit straight.
  10. T

    Shoe size?

  11. T

    Transgender Bodybuilder, Competes As A Woman

    The way I've always viewed transgendered people: -If you believe you were born the wrong sex, tough. I will not refer to you as a female if you're a male and vice versa regardless of what sex you identify with. Until you do something surgical to alter your physical appearance, in my opinion...
  12. T

    join the military?

    so basically you're a 20 yr old mooch who does a 16 yr olds job? yeah, we don't need you in the Army right now, i put up with enough of you guys everyday. so fucking false, learn about what MOS' are in Iraq right now....we have all the 13 series over there, they might be combat arms, but...
  13. T

    what is the best dvd movies site? what is your choice....?
  14. T

    Do you think....

    ohhh myy goodd thhhatt isss soo funny. i could kill someone if needed.
  15. T

    I am better than you because...

    Nope. Because #1 MartialMan and #47MartialMan are the same
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    december 11th learn your more important months retard
  17. T

    Which DVD player or Bluray players plays .trp files?

    I have a library of media which have an extension .TRP. I would like to buy a DVD player or BluRay player that can play these files on my TV. Any help?
  18. T

    I have the game Porsche need for speed?

    the game is only giving me one car to be drive all the time does anyone why is that for any help urgent please or a link off the whole game would be nice which i could download free from a viruses free trust able site thanks
  19. T

    Can someone give me a specific interesting physical geography topic?

    Rivers of the world, length, civilization around the rivers.
  20. T

    Can someone give me a specific interesting physical geography topic?

    Rivers of the world, length, civilization around the rivers.