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  1. I

    do you think this will happen in the future? Will we have the technology to do this?

    Go back 100 years and try to explain a computer, the internet, cell phones, satellite Tv, Cds/dvds. I don't think we can predict what the next century will be like completely. We might be able to build cities in space one day, only time will tell.
  2. I

    Is The Devil the same with every religion?

    Religion is evil........
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    When on vacation with kids, specifically teens, do they get their own room?

    We did exactly as you did growing up. Now my kids are too young to worry about that but when the times comes I'm sure we will just share a room but if there is some discount or a en suite or something that option would definitely be considered.
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    Has the SUV turned into the "Soccer mom" car?

    I have no idea. I see a range of vehicles at the soccer games from sedans to pickups to mini vans to SUV's. What does the "team parent" usually drive? Something that fits the equipment.... usually a minivan but also an SUV of any make/ model.
  5. I

    Has the SUV turned into the "Soccer mom" car?

    I have no idea. I see a range of vehicles at the soccer games from sedans to pickups to mini vans to SUV's. What does the "team parent" usually drive? Something that fits the equipment.... usually a minivan but also an SUV of any make/ model.
  6. I

    Has the SUV turned into the "Soccer mom" car?

    I have no idea. I see a range of vehicles at the soccer games from sedans to pickups to mini vans to SUV's. What does the "team parent" usually drive? Something that fits the equipment.... usually a minivan but also an SUV of any make/ model.
  7. I

    Has the SUV turned into the "Soccer mom" car?

    I have no idea. I see a range of vehicles at the soccer games from sedans to pickups to mini vans to SUV's. What does the "team parent" usually drive? Something that fits the equipment.... usually a minivan but also an SUV of any make/ model.
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    LG: What do you do in this situation?

    If a straight person comes up to you and says that they are curious and want to try something with you, what do you do? I would say no. How about you?
  9. I

    How do I get Windows Gadgets (specifically, the weather gadget) in French?

    I have the weather desktop gadget the standard one that comes with it but it's in English. There's no options in editing to change to another language, is it possible to get one in French, or change it somehow?
  10. I

    Going to Philly for school, meeting new people. Should I tell people I'm Gay?

    Get to know the people you meet before you come out. Or if you can tell they are not homophobic right off the get-go, then go ahead and tell them. At least that is what I would do.
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    Guys, what's the best way for a young lady to strike up a conversation

    with you if she wants you to know? she is interested in you.
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    Is it so wrong to want your friend to be able to be a friend even after they have

    met a new guy? I have two friends who recently found partners, and I am happy for them, but it seems like our friendships are no longer the same. What I mean by that is if you are single and you meet someone naturally that person is going to get more of your time then your girlfriends. You are...
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    Advice on buying a new cordless home phone, need long range coverage - pls help?

    I am looking to buy a cordless phone system (Panasonic/GE a good brand) that has multiple cordless handsets. I want one handset to go in the shop which is approx 400 feet from the main base that would be in my house. I need a way to find out what phone is capable of doing this without buying...
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    Me and my 2 daughters safety?

    I am moving out from my mom and dad's house early next year, we moved back in after my divorce. I am moving to an apartment complex in pretty safe neighborhood, but crime is everywhere. What kind of things can I do to ensure safety? I know it can't be 100% foolproof but I know things can be...
  15. I

    Can you have anal sex while pregnant?

    My boyfriend is always asking and I figure "hey don't knock it till you try it." I know it will be hurt at first but he's not big in that department anyway. Right now I"m 23 weeks, haven't really gained any weight, feel the baby all the time. But is it ok???? Thanks.
  16. I

    Palin goes to Hollywood?

    I don't think she was personally offered a role. They are making a porno using her name, well sort of Nailin Palin.
  17. I

    Can the non-custodial parent send anyone to pick up/drop-off?

    No way! It would be irresponsible on your part to hand over your child to someone you were not expecting and/or have never met.
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    Pregnant with vaginal pain (kind of long description)?

    I'm 20 weeks today and I had my first prenatal 3 weeks ago. A week prior to the appt I had gotten a spider bite and was treated with antibiotics, which then caused a yeast infection. So I was given the 1 day pill and by the time I saw the dr he said that it was still a little red there. I had...
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    Pregnant and having painful intercourse.?

    No, it's not an STD because I got checked within the last 2 weeks. Anyway, I haven't had intercourse in 3 weeks and the first time I had it it was very painful during and afterward for about an hour. When I use the bathroom it don't burn and I know for sure that it's not an STD. I did have a...
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    Is it my internet browser..?

    Ok, I just posted one question but I see it up there twice about 5 min from when the first one posted.