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  1. Z

    The 3 animals game...

    Noooo it's just not nice! I like a chocolate with a high % of cocoa solids, Hersheys just tasted a bit dry and powdery. Don't kick me,I am full of chocolate.
  2. Z

    The Confession Thread

    just playing with you lily
  3. Z

    Who is your favourite user on TSR?

    Hey she's mine!:mad:
  4. Z

    The Tardy Excuse Thread

    i have never been tardy. do i win?
  5. Z

    Lindsay Lohan confirms lesbian lover Samantha Ronson

    as are most disney made stars
  6. Z

    what shoes to get

    SHUT UP. Take your whore mouth to : C
  7. Z

    tell me your best mama joke or any joke

    A man and a women are in a hotel lobby and the man accidently elbows the womens breast. The man says "If your heart is as soft as your breast you'll forgive me" The women says "If you penis is as hard as your elbow im in room 209"
  8. Z

    Losing muscle

    Again, thanks for all the good ideas! She wants another go at a national comp before going off to uni. She's not really stressed, just trying to improve/maintain things for one more year. Next year? Who knows?! Her coach just picked up and moved his club 50 miles away last week, A levels...
  9. Z

    Publisher award?

    Hey guys, Ive seen some poeple have the 'publisher' award on their profile. I cant see any info on the FAQ about it, what do they publish? Where can we read it? Ta Much! GR
  10. Z

    Booty size

    men...does this actually matter...
  11. Z

    My Mother said ... The Tao of Mom

    Never chase a bus or a girl. There's always another one coming. ( for my sisters insert boy instead of girl ) David
  12. Z

    George W Bush still a class act.

    It is old Billy Hicks, so expect a bit of bad language
  13. Z

    Who is the epitome of perfection?

    Just a bit xD
  14. Z

    Are some people just bad?

    Take a few sociology, political science, history, psychology, and biology classes and you'll be able to answer this one on your own. Notice how there are more murderers in Compton and Iraq, than in Beverly hills? Pick up a book on a serial killer, you'll notice a common trend of abuse...
  15. Z

    Perfect Height for a Girl?

    12 oh height? eh..
  16. Z

    I think i hit a deer, but what happen to the deer? *pics*

    way to total ur beamer dumbass