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  1. P

    Kill all the Pit bulls in Ohio - H.B. 568

    Absolutely. You get bad dogs, the same as you get bad humans but you shouldn't punish an entire breed based on the one or two that are bad. I can see the argument being that Pitbulls are bred to have a viscious streak, well that can be bred out of them by responsible breeders. I believe that it...
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  3. P

    Went to my first concert last night

    It seems like so long ago since I first fed Korpy on the breast of my knowledge here at MAP... Now he's growing up so fast... He's started training Kung Fu... He's written a letter to Ray Sefo... Heck... and now he's gone to his first concert. It's only a matter of time before he's...
  4. P

    Would you fight Kimbo Slice for 60 seconds in order to get..

    Hell yea I would, I would probably get knocked out but thats 1 min of pain for a whole year of Meagan Fox. edit- Actually thats probably a couple days of pain because I imagine you would feel it the next couple of days too.
  5. P

    ever happened to you?

    only post in thread that you should read
  6. P

    Roommate moved out, but owes me money...

    kill his family and hide them in the airvents
  7. P

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    I thought you guys might be interested in the progress of my Ducati. It is nearly ready to go, I just need to get another fuel cap. Since I took this photo I have fitted the old exhaust system, it still has some minor dings from the fall but it is not too bad. I have had the motor running but...
  8. P

    Help Help Help

    Good point Frodocious! her a new handbag to distract her, just make sure it's something that wouldn't go with those boots.
  9. P

    The world has truly gone mad....

    it depends on if you are disturbing other people but those cultures are doing what they believe is right, you believe them to be wrong. Thats a bit unfair, how many Christians know the church's official stance on non practicing homosexuality? Not many I'd guess. Would you rather Verx...
  10. P

    Immigration debate

    Oh they'll 'exist' long enough to drag as much money out of as many people as they can.
  11. P

    Open your mind

    BANG - my head exploded... Luckily being a trans-dimensional being, I have plenty of spare ones.
  12. P

    "ban this sick filth"

    "ban this sick filth" Yeah, when my views match up with the readership of the Daily Heil, you know the issue is beyond dispute.
  13. P

    Mitt Romney

    It really doesn't matter anymore. All 3 branches are owned by the rich. Both parties are corrupt beyond belief. For all intents and purposes democracy is dead in the US. Since $=speech most people have little of either. I don't see me voting in another election again. There is no point.
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    Wild accussation

    Blade96 is the name of Wesley Snipes' new film in a long and tedious series that rivals Police Academy films.
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    Wild accussation

    van zandt was a fluffer on the set
  16. P

    Upset, want to know if I am wrong for it.

    Would you automatically offer a seat to someone struggling with a zimmerframe? Just wondering where you draw the line between consideration and being politically incorrect? Logic. Your arguments were essentially that you felt entitled to EI, even though the purpose was not for seasonal...
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    I've not had that problem for a long time, I've been wearing martial arts trainers for the last 8 years I've known people with strange feet issues, I went out with a girl that would not let me touch her feet, handy if you wanted to get her moving fast
  18. P

    Sup with the mods?

    If you want an infraction just go into a thread and post a " . " Thats what i did and got one Or say bad things about p8girl :ugh:
  19. P

    Where the hell does the phrase "Shit son" or "damn son" come from?

    Where the hell does the phrase "Shit son" or "damn son" come from? we dont fucking care, son.