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  1. M

    Do you have a job?

  2. M

    what animal...?

    a bitch
  3. M

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I love geography (physical, not human) and like history (particularly ancient history).
  4. M

    its not fair

    QFT. :nododgy:
  5. M

    Breaking a cell phone plan

    all you have to do is get the new phone and you can change the number on it yourself
  6. M

    British/English Humor - the list

    This is better.... Shades of Maiden & Sabbath and a touch of Alice....Not too shabby
  7. M

    I have a date tonight

    just remember, Dont reap the knee!
  8. M

    Fear of Numbers

    Thinking out loud: Perhaps it's because we know that Mathematics is the language in which we understand out universe, and that gives numbers a bit of power. I think also, numbers are so prominent in our daily lives; just this morning the first thing I saw was the number on my clock telling me...
  9. M

    American MAPers, POST HERE!

    From the Northern Illinois University region originally, last time I was in Illinois, I was in Lake county working at Great Lakes.. Now out in the middle of the Pacific on the little piece of american realestate called Guam.. Where america's day "allegedly" begins
  10. M

    A Humble Request...

    Could somebody just gimme some money?
  11. M

    Just got Wisdom teeth pulled V.2.....UPDATE

    Okay. I've never had any teeth pulled, not even a cavity.
  12. M

    Thank God for Allah!

    Devoken, I strongly disagree with your conclusions on several of your points. However, I don't have the time to tackle them at the moment. I do intend to. But before I do that, three questions. 1. Have we put the issue of habeas corpus review to bed? 2. You listed several international...
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    Chinese liquors.

    My Dad had a bottle of snake wine, had a proper cobra in that thing. Dunno where its gone...somewhere during his drunken stupor I guess.
  14. M

    Hang Gliding Dog

    ps - the dog will just be watching rather than participating lol
  15. M

    13 Dead, 30 wounded

    Could be, but that seems awfully coincidental to me. Seems to me that if it was job-related stress, the shooting would take place at his daily work area, not randomly around a bunch of deploying soldiers. I don't see you saying the same thing to people making "idle speculation" that his...
  16. M

    How to be positive

    Lol, not the best thing to say to someone who suffers from depression especially seeing that she states that people don't understand her.
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    Do you use the ignore function?

    no but wildrover may soon be on mine
  18. M

    Lovebird Question????? ?

    lately my couple of month old lovebird has been regurgitating his food and than eating it again. is this normal?
  19. M

    Anyone ever bribe some one on craigslist?

    mercs suck