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  1. B

    Warped Tour questions?

    No, they separate you by gender and age. Then they give you a Blood on the Dance Floor tattoo. After that, you will be sent to the barber to receive multicolored scene kid hair. Everyone wears a striped uniform with skinny jeans. From there, you will be sent to the gas cha- I mean moshpits (well...
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    Can Warped Tour tickets sell out?

    Why would you pay for your death?
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    What is it with girls and cats?

    Yeah well you know chickens. They aren't smartest things around.
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    what are your favorite Tour DVD's?

    Marilyn Manson- Guns, God and Government
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    What is some good music to
  6. B

    Which martial art blends or combines easily with Judo?

    Well I was a wrestler and won state my senior year of HS. But before H.S. I had three years of Judo. The Judo definitely gave me an advantage right of the bat. My take down skills were excellent and it was mainly die to my 3 years of Judo. I haven't done any other martial arts, but if you...
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    How do I prove im not gay?

    so im straight, not gay but my friends made a joke that im gay because i mostly interact with boys. At first it was just a joke but now im worried people think im seriously gay. They said that theyll stop calling me gay if i can prove im straight. SO how can I prove it im 13 and my parents wont...
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    most fucked up thing you have ever done

    PICS OR SHENS! or pm me mysace link. PICS OR SHENS!
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    Saddam has been downed

    What sort of math did you use to figure that .50 caliber rounds were cheaper than hanging rope?
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    Makes you think now, huh? You just want to say to all those people who used it . . . "Oh yeah, in your humble opinion . . . . well how about this you . . . . . "
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    Next Sunday Predictions?

    Eagles Raiders Buccaneers Patriots Jets Bears Broncos Titans Ravens Cowboys Packers 49ers Saints Chargers
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    Rhh: so this is my alt. account....?

    bla bla bla BQ: Easy buy, Wu Tang is great but srsly Nas has much more diversity the proof:
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    FOR THE PERSON WHO ASKED "what do the colors in the gay pride flag signify?"?

    FOR THE PERSON WHO ASKED "what do the colors in the gay pride flag signify?"? The original flag had 8 stripes, w/ each color representing a particular component of the gay community: hot pink=sex, red=life, orange=healing, yellow=sun, green=nature, turquoise=arts, indigo= harmony, and...
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    Canada goose Hunting Question?

    Is it legal to kill a canada goose when your hunting when it isnt in the air. Just ambush it with a shotgun??
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    Women in the Infantry

    Why not? Surely it's up to the individual to judge what damage was done to them? Part of the reason sexual harassment and assault of men goes unreported so much is because of people saying, and thinking, things like this. 'Oh, he must have wanted it, he's a man'. 'Oh, she must have...
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    neds for making confusing statements
  17. B

    Global Population: The planet at 7 billion

    does anyone know where one could find information on the population-to-urbanized territory ratios of different countries? reading the article made me curious about it. regarding the article itself, well, yeah, population is growing. not much i can do about it right now, barring not having kids...