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  1. N

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    nope. i do not acknowledge those who circle jerk.
  2. N

    Crasy ass bird banging aganst my window!! WTF!!!!

    capture it and put it on a string
  3. N

    i got hiccups

    i no rite? why the hell am i not in osst?
  4. N

    Remembering 9/11

    wow, that is perhaps the single most disturbing instance of faith i've ever seen anywhere. he JUST not 10 minutes ago, offered to show you some equations and ways to perhaps critisize your own beliefs, then you, without any evidence of sarcasim or impericisim, say "blah blah blah, i'm right...
  5. N

    endless poll is...

    I voted because I wanted to not because you asked. I'M NOBODYS BITCH!
  6. N


    I'm in s public school and it's district policy that guys can't have long hair or earrings.
  7. N

    First aid

    Would you call 1 minute prolonged ?
  8. N

    DVD Storage...

    I've seen these advertised on QVC. They appear to be a good solution.
  9. N

    fish's glorious invasion of englishville

    What he said^! It was great to meet you Fish! You're one of the few men I know who I can talk to and not get a stiff neck from having to look up all the time!
  10. N

    Careers with Philosophy

    Well, there is also that route.
  11. N

    What would you do for entertainment?

    Make my own language and call them dirty names in my language when they fed me.
  12. N

    Renaming Marriage

    So you think its ok for a group of people to force their political/religious views on others, but not do it individually???
  13. N

    What are some other games like "defend your castle" or "age of war"?

    What are some other games like "defend your castle" or "age of war"? We won't.
  14. N

    CURRENT RELATIONS: UK, Ireland & Scottland

    CURRENT RELATIONS: UK, Ireland & Scottland Maybe that's why Royce used so many headbutts in the early UFCs?????
  15. N

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest sandus.... i'll go with the flow but it's my opinion we should join when uni 21 opens THEN switch it makes WAY more sense to begin on a level playing field... perhaps uni19 is still cool enough.. but we are a good month behind in porduction.. unless we have a...
  16. N

    Nice day ive had.

    Two people were all ready there helping the best thing to do is get out of there and i have been in that situation before. I have level two first aid just basic compaired to firefighters, ambos and paramedics.
  17. N

    is 16 too old for braces?

    They'll be off before you leave school then, assuming you are staying on, so it will be fine. :moon:
  18. N

    Homosexuality is Wrong

    I don't really think a kid would be too freaked out by two men showing affection, presumably no one has ever enjoyed watching parents do it either. I do however think there would be a lot of bullying surrounding the issue and if the kid has had gay parents since a young age he/she won't...
  19. N

    what are the abbreviated food items at taco bell?

    like on the register???