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    Earth Quake charity appeal,click the red button

    Current Total: £1,094.40 / US$1,860.48 Current No. of Clicks : 10944 So keep it clicking everybody
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    Last thing you bought from Wal-Mart?

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    Continuation of a theme? Persians vs. Greeks

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Persians being corrupt, dirty, dishonest etc. is not modern day propoganda but the way the Persians were portrayed in Frank Miller's graphic novel. Which after all is what the movie is based on, not the event from a historical standpoint.
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    Dragons, were they real animals?

    Put it this way... all cultures have mythologies of large guardian-creatures who guarded, or were the key to the "inner realm" (of deep lagoons, oceans, caves, etc). We're a pack animal. We have an instinctive terror of snakes from our animal days (just like all maofftopicls) so it's natural...
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    The Great Spelling Question Thread!

    Well done by both you guys. Those words still mess me up. I was trying not to change the tense of the words and get them in similar short sentences. Guess spelling isn't in my jeans....I mean genes. 3 of a kind in one sentence....can anyone beat that
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    Refusing to go to War (edit)

    Comments from Iraqis from both sides of the fence.... I suggest you all read.
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    You vs Monkey

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    State of British Security

    Agreed. Iraq wasn't even a country untill we(british) turned up out of nowhere, carved up the land and then installed puppet monarchies and governments. We created this problem right from the start and now the whole western world is paying the consequences. Saddam Hussein used to work for the...
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    Jonny Knoxville: How Stupid Is This Guy

    How stupid is he and why is he still alive when so many normal people die each year from unavoidable accidents?
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    Cool kids

    no...not really why
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    Devil Dolls.....

    Sorry Lily! Anyway, you aren't the ones with the dolls in the same building as you! They are currently in the meeting room beneath my office.It's dark,raining and windy at work,I am on my own in a 16th century building in the middle of a park where there are no people today!!!!
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    I saw someone famous earlier..

    i saw Keria Knightley walking through Hyde Park with her bf :D
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    Looking For New Job

    I'm tempted to ask you your name to see if I might already know you, but I think I'll wait.
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    worst gifts

    did you eat the dots?
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    Taco Problem

    I've been to taco bell very drunk numerous times, I'm sure I'm not welcome there.
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    LG shine problems cant recieve pics?

    Contact your network provider as they may need to provision your account for picture messages or even send you some settings.
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    can i transfer my saved t9 predictive words from one sony ericsson to another?

    You cant im affraid you'll have to save them again,
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    can i transfer my saved t9 predictive words from one sony ericsson to another?

    You cant im affraid you'll have to save them again,
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    software update for nokia 5310?

    It can take a while however don't interrupt the update unless there is no activate for 10 minutes, if for some reason something does go wrong contact nokia, contact details are available on theyr web site and they will sort it for you its easy enough, u may have to send your phone to them but at...
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    can i add minutes to a nextel monthly plan using a boost card?

    youll have to speak to ur network provider customer service to change your price plan