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  1. M

    Isaac Hayes died.

  2. M

    Just had a mental breakdown

    and his mom IS handicapped and all
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    Syria-Possible Sarin use

    Actually, no it's not. Civilians can be killed in conflict without it being murder, but any chemical weapon attack is illegal under international law and is therefore murder. And that 1000 people died in one single small scale chemical attack. What if the West stands back and the next city to...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Went to a local offtopic event tonight and a few things were grrr worthy: - The woman who claimed the amateur child muay thai fights at the star were barbaric and disgusting, same woman also complained about a fighter stamping on anothers toes but had no problem with the head kicks and gnp -...
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    favorite webcomics

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    higher vert?

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    How do you read internet acronyms?

    i say lmao like lamayoh
  8. M

    Bradley Manning sentenced

    Not well, but that's democracy. It's the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.
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    MTV, is it just me...

    Music video's? On MTV? :dodgyrun:
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    Posters. Where can I buy some? :yy:
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    Abercrombie Hospital FTL

    I do not want to pay 400 dollars for a pair of jeans at a hospital.
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    Man EATS CONDOM (now sueing BKing)

    oh my mistake. i thought it said "unused" not "unwrapped" gross. must be the dyslexia :xeyed:
  13. M

    Pearl Harbor - remember your history

    It isn't that i don't care about the civilians who died, however that is no reason to fuck with a perfectly good thread giving credit to those who served for America. Yeah, we've done bad things to coutries but not without reason or probable cause, therefore there is no reason bring it up...
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    Change the song name

    Sink The pink - AC/DC
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    Will there be a new reserve currency

    That was certainly the plan 5 years ago. Even with all America's problems, I don't think there's a currency as stable as the dollar.
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    Liberals: Are you even defending Obama for his handling of this cruise ship

    crisis well? For the past few days hundreds of American lives were at stake - stranded aboard an incapacitated cruise ship. While this crisis captured the attention and prayers of the nation with millions tuning into the evening news to see if our fellow Americans had been rescued or had...
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    What do you want to see in your lifetime?

    Flying penguins. What?! It's scientific!
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    In a karate tournament are you allowed to curse at and taunt your opponent?

    In Karate Kid 3 the guy Daniel is fighting is constantly yelling stuff like "Your karate is $hit!. He never taught you anything. Your karate is $hit!" I kept expecting him the get disqualified but he didn't. Is it allowed to curse at and taunt your opponent, even classifying their karate as "$hit?"
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    Australian Rules Football for the non-aussies

    Very entertaining to watch but my favourite thing about AFL is the hot bodied guys running around in skimpy shorts :P
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    Protests in Arab world

    I read an interesting article in City AM, on Thursday or Wednesday, I can only find Friday's paper online But they were talking about how since the events in Libya have taken place half their oil production has ceased. If it continues for another month or...