Search results

  1. G

    The truth of Black Hawk Down - Somalia and Mark Bowden

    AYE! Quite true, for Somalia, most of Western Africa, Iraq (TransJordan), the Balkans (former Yugoslavia), and parts of the former USSR.
  2. G

    Nothing says "I love you" more than......

    Nothing says "I love you" more than...... double whammy there feel sorry for you
  3. G

    popped my water bed

    i feel bad that im trippin though
  4. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I can understand that filtering through CVs and getting feedback from phone interviews can take some time. I can also understand that people may be away or on leave, so there may not be time to discuss candidates and decide who you're bringing in. But seriously now, should it take two over two...
  5. G

    An enigma....

    No takers? Come on, it's not that hard!
  6. G

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    In Dorset there is a guilders firm called Crumblehomes. Bet they get a lot of contracts. This really does make me amused.
  7. G

    Abortion is Wrong

    The case for abortion would be a lot easier to make if less women used it as a form of contraception rather than the regrettable emergency measure it should be.
  8. G

    Mornington Crescent - New Balls please!

    I do believe I will go for a Scottish Encirclement. So bagpipes a piping and kilts a swirling I head off to Old Street. BTW, are we using classic or modern Whovian accords? Makes a big difference if you are planning temporal transitions.
  9. G

    Change the song name

    Immigrant song - Led Zeppelin.
  10. G

    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    but do these people deserve to die? Yep. Best to get them out of the gene pool before they spawn their offspring.
  11. G

    Election Shocker

    A BBC documentary followed him around on the campaign trail, the journalist had two, 2 minute stage managed q & a's in 6 weeks. It was the remainder of the documentary that was incredible, it was pure holywood with sinister guys in the background included...
  12. G

    Your favourite TSRer

    thats still not worth a tenner :H
  13. G

    George Carlin dies at 71

    One of the best comedians to walk the stage, he will be missed :(
  14. G

    Is it wrong???

    Lol I am a girl and I do that. I have a surface piercing on my lower abdomen that I like to show off
  15. G

    Which accents do you like / find attractive?

    AUSTRALIAN..melts me. Scottish and welsh too.
  16. G

    Kid finds 108k and returns it!!!

    yea ok, thats all a bunch of hippity who-ha(bullshit). Nothing good has ever happened to me. Yea ROFL, It was probably some old rich guys money who was about to die an allways saw how nice and kind that kid was and felt bad for him b/c hes a 17 year old janitor and left his life money...
  17. G

    Abstinance Only Programs

    All I'm going to say is that my mum was an advocate for abstinence when I was growing up. Its about the ONLY thing I remember her going on and on about to me and my sisters. Look how I turned out.
  18. G

    Kung fu fan tries to stop train

    And I think the cars won, dude. You've seen his posts!
  19. G

    does anyone have ther jew jitzu they will win picture

    I hid what I searched though. It's secret.
  20. G

    Fallout 3 Torrent GECK?

    So i downloaded the torrent for fallout 3 on my pc, and now i would like to use GECK to mod my game and have some fun but whenever i try to create a plugin, my game doesnt find it. Like when i click on data files nothing is in there. So any ideas or help would be awesome. because it says i need...