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    Best mobile for under $150AUD?

    Except that phone isnt compatible, ironically.
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    "Before I Die..."

    "Before I Die..." What is the perfect life for me? Dunno What would make my life perfect? I dont want a perfect life. I enjoy a challenge and the ability to say that I have endured hardships that no one else has. Of course I want to be happy . But at this moment and at this age(17)...
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    The American Infallibility Complex
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I think it was quite clear that I was talking about private sales, which make up 40% of gun sales in the US. There is no paperwork and therefore no paper trail. Any unauthorised person can easily go and buy a gun without fear of rejection or...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Can something be done? I think it may start off in the home. That said, whatever people think maybe reiterate; Crazy is going to happen. This is like auto accidents. You can have many laws about driving and yet people will drive...
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    This thread must not die!!!!!!!
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    How do you Dance?

    I think that this would be a different thread altogether, and I can sense KickChick winding up a flying roundhouse kick just for typing this much. So in the interests of personal safety.... NO!!!
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    If we women ruled the world

    From under that thumb?
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    Z-Day Plans and Preparations#2: Close Combat with Zombies

    Nice suit! I'd be wanting something besides the shovel though.
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    Troop remains dumped in landfill... WHAT!?!?

    You're absolutely right, Kwajman. It doesn't make it *right* but if the families gave up their hold on HOW the remains should be disposed, perhaps it makes it a little LESS reprehensible (although I bet if they were told the fate of how the remains would be disposed, I'm pretty sure some of them...
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    who would you rather date?

    The reason you cant find them is because girls don't like them, so they've given up on the idea entirely.
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    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    Err, no she wasn't, a police sergeant gave her an instruction, she responded by assaulting him and breaking at least one section of the public order act (possibly 3 depending on your interpretation of the law) - not legal, not self defence.
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    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    She did come back at him a few times and did try to grab him more than once. I think hje was trying to concentrate on something elsewhere in the crowd and she was haranguing him, did he go to far, quite possibly, did he use excessive force, given the situation possibly but another angle may show...
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    They dont make a cologne that smells like VP racing gas, oil, grease, exhaust fumes, and burning rubber. :(
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    Sumwun tell mee they ar joking

    Or as it will be in future: 'Ownlee in Amerika'.
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    Eye Colour

    Thought they were linked as I don't know any coloured folk with blue eyes. My eyes were blue but then I started doing this martial art Sithdo and now they are a bright red/orange!
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    Granted, a right-wing eugenicist pressure group take control and start executing the mentally ill, followed by all other non-aryans... I wish someone would PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!
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    So there I was... Motorcycle and other stories.

    Everyone's heard, everyone has them, those "NO Crap" stories that are almost too cool to be believed. I however believe that you should average one for every 10 years you've been kicking this pebble. I have 4, Colin whould have about the same, OldShadow would have around 25. So let's share them...
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    How quickly are the GPS navigation systems for cars updated with new speed...

    ...cameras and red light cameras? I dont own one but looking at getting one so i can avoid the government fees.
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    How many people have a scooter and a car? Which one do you use most often and when?

    I would like to know how many people have a car and a scooter and of those people how many ride their scooter and have their cars just sitting there.