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  1. P

    Honesty for the above person

    You look like the honey monster......
  2. P

    Candidates For Terminator 4

    Please tell me you're kidding
  3. P

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    A couple of quotes that seem to have inspired GWB Goebbels, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Goering, "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders...tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the...
  4. P

    hey guys

    my brother had court today. then i missed the bus. no ride to school. whatev, i can only miss 2 more days and i fail. who fails 8th grade? lulzkidswithnofuturethatswho =[
  5. P

    Head / Brain Injuries?

    Listen to music, meditate, contemplate the meaning of life, plan the martial arts training facility that you'll build and operate when you win the lottery.....
  6. P

    What tv show is this guy from?!

    omg thank you guys this best show ever you have just allowed me to relive my great childhood
  7. P

    bee on a string? no, wasp is the new bee

    i want to see a bird on a leash...that would be better than a bee on a leash.
  8. P

    so ST, whatcha think of my creation

    1 guy 1 cup?
  9. P

    What is that smell coming from water heater venting?

    It's the 'new' smell that will shortly go away after the venting gets hot a few more times. Papaw
  10. P

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    The drill sergeant's quote book- a constant companion in times of trouble...
  11. P

    What part of the bible is the second coming of Christ in?

    Read the book of Revelation, the books of Daniel, amd the book of ezekiel, those should help you considerably once you are able to arrange then categorically and fit the remaining pieces together.! Papaw
  12. P

    Religion deepens the meaning of science?

    The truth of how religion clearifies and possiby can deepen the questions of science are very real. Papaw
  13. P

    Is there anything you want to vent about?

    Yes! Funny you should ask. I ate a bunch of boiled cabbage with pintos last night, and I've been venting all day..Still going strong, too. Papaw
  14. P

    How do you control your laugh when your in public place?

    I don't try to control it unless it would be because of an embarrassing situation someone else is in. In that case I try to find something else to preoccupy my attention. Papaw
  15. P

    Why all the whining about evolution/big bang?

    It's NOT a matter of disproving evolution or the big's a matter of proving it. I'll stand with what's tried and true and go ahead and believe what the Bible says about it all. Papaw
  16. P

    So an e-badass trys to beat me

    Cool story.
  17. P

    poll what is the last thing you treated your self too?

    Micky-D's Vanilla cone!!! Papaw
  18. P

    Is this a sign of the anti christ?

    I.C.U.R. a religious troll. Go somewhere else! Papaw
  19. P

    British GOvernment may use nerve agents against "rioters"

    British GOvernment may use nerve agents against "rioters" It goes a bit deeper than that. The Government has very little direct authority over the operations of the police. They make the laws, but it is up to the Police to decide how best to enforce them. It is extremely difficult for the...