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  1. W

    Do you give hobos money?

    i sujest u remove me from your sig
  2. W

    Man V.S. Leopard - go figure

    Every time someone starts a thread on MAP about MA v. animals, I think they should be made to poke a leopard with a stick. This should be mandatory in some way.
  3. W

    Hot Fuzz - seen it?

    Oh Man! No joke! When I saw the prefiews, I thought, "Why in the hell did he just drop kick an old lady in the face!!!1???" But once you see it, it makes sense, and I cheered, and laughed so hard. the whole last half hour made the movie more than worth it! I don't know why, but the swan at...
  4. W

    If you had three wishes...

    1. To live forever 2. To be a woman for a day 3. An endless supply of free porn :indiff:
  5. W

    Child is eaten by Dog.

    Lol at the new puppies thread being right below this one.
  6. W

    Being mediocre at everything-Not having a passion

    If you are the best then there will be no one left to beat but there will be plenty of people lining up to beat you, see how long you stay on top then. Anyway if you are so bored with life go and live in some third world countries and work with the ordinary locals for a while a year or two then...
  7. W


    Its Pearl Mettalic Paint. That stuff costs $1000s for just a few metres of paint.
  8. W

    This place is huge

    i bet you wont be ignored when you put "girl" in your username....example, this thread
  9. W

    Election 2005

    So... - Is having limitations on immigrants ridiculous? (worked well in Australia ) - Is having peoples applications assessed overseas ridiculous? - Is allowing people into this country only when their application have been approved ridiculous, insted of them living here for years while it's...
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I normally swap my old points for some shiney new ones with the nice folks at the DVLA. I got a special 4 for 3 offer last time, bargain Mitch
  11. W

    Immigration debate

    Oh yes right silly me. England. The southern bit of an island surrounded by water has no water.
  12. W

    what famous person are you related to?

    Fuck you! Lawl I was going to say the exact same thing just now. We're good.
  13. W

    Police Taser Blind Samurai

    If this had been in America, no joke, the guy would be dead. Seattle PD (better than most PDs here) recently shot an old deaf man had been a street artisan for YEARS for not putting down his carving knife when his back was turned to the young cop who was shouting at him. A. Tiny. Little...
  14. W

    Mulled Wine

    Excellent, thank you I have found a Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon, in the "bold" category, a snip at £4 (US$8). I will be experimenting on my father on Friday....beyond that....who knows....
  15. W

    This disgusts me!

    poor people
  16. W

    ConDem Housing Policy?

    I'm just wondering what people think of the governments new social housing policy? I think I can understand what the government are trying to achieve here. There are a lot of people in this country who are essentially professional benefit claimants. Housing benefit is one of the easiest to...
  17. W

    How many people would you sleep with?

    1) How many people have you slept with? 0 2) How many people is an acceptable amount to sleep with? Doesnt Matter. 3) Will you ever marry? YES. 4) Have you ever cheated? No, shouldnt do it. 5) Have you/Would you have a one night stand? Yes 6) What's your longest relationship/s been? 3-4...
  18. W

    Evolution: The MAP Discussion

    Patrick Smith... When you metion Wallace Johnson do you mean this Wallace Johnson. Where apparantly he suggests Oh Dear, epic fail. Dont you find it strange...
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    Calling people "retards" or "retarded"

    Calling people "retards" or "retarded" It's a pretty bike, but I'm offended by the idea of an electric starter.