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  1. C


    I will probably rent a few scary movies and call it a night. I'm not even going there.
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    MAP Snowboarding

    Aww Akasha Isn't there any other way you can get there? Coach?
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    Happy ANZAC day

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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    my ex came back to my dojo with his gf - his dojo is closed til august so i gotta put up with them for a month or so - grrrr
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    Extreme body modification gaining popularity

    YouTube - ‪Lepht Anonym - Cybernetics for the Masses (1 of 3)‬‏ thought this might be worth posting.
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    Death penalty

    Just a thought after reading that bit, should the "its my taxes" argument carry any weight in these debates? Taxes aren't optional and you'll have no say in how they get spent so why should anti-dp proponents give a toss if its "your money"? Anti-war people don't get to say their taxes shouldn't...
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    Demotion for Crying & Quiting

    Demotion for Crying & Quiting heh
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    Worst Driver of 2007 Possible Candidate?

    women driver ftmfl
  9. C

    ree sis or ree sees?

    Yes, and reesees sounds fucking idiotic. I don't know how anybody even started saying it that way.
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    Wild accussation

    Sam drinks her own scrumpy...
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    Hey ST!!!

    me, and probably the other people on ST that are older than 14. The few, the proud, the peeps that get pussy. The Maturines on ST
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    What do you guys think about this??

    Reasons why that won't work: 1. Your only 17 2. There is only 2 bedrooms, 4 people 3. Even if your gf is a good cook and her friend is ocd about cleaning, doesn't mean they won't to do it all the time. They'll get pissed if it's just them doing it. 4. There's a lot more that I don't feel like...
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    3 things to conquer for 2011

    double post go home
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    Guy rules

    #124: Nose hair is a sign of wisdom.
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    Almost Got Arrested

    why the hell would you let make you stay to wait for the cops. i would just have said "hey fuck you beeeyotch!! get out of my way fucker!!"
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    20K biatch!!!

    LILOOOOOOOO!!! xxxxxxxx Oh, erm, congrats Slippy old bean...
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    The Word Game IV

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    who's doin well on ai!?

    Carly was the best chick...though the girls were pretty bad tonight...David Cook was incredible as usual....I'm voting for Jason though...hes my favorite, and it wasnt his best hopefully he'll make it!!