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  1. K

    Did you know females are not attracted by the penis?

    I had a chop suey roll that looked like one the other day :D
  2. K

    Misc. Facts Thread

    Mine's 16, so I'm just hanging on
  3. K

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    As I pointed out earlier, traditionaly being a Jew is based on genetics through the maternal line, being a Muslim is based on belief not birthright. This may not be unique to the de-humanisation of 'others' but it is certainly different to being either a Christian or Muslim.
  4. K

    popped my water bed

    dont water beds have to be on the first floor or basement of a house
  5. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oh well I hope it arrives then. For your postman's sake ...
  6. K

    miss wales :D

    It's a shame that this thread couldn't have been in the 'Funniest Thread of the year". I think I've just wet my pants.
  7. K

    So what have you named your schlong?

    Lil' Jon and the Eastside Boyz.
  8. K

    Should we be worried?

    I don't see what the big deal is ... this is information that can be easily acquired even through the internet ... (so says the Link Queen). It's not like Bush is asking the churches to send in their church member's directories highlighted with a green marker, those who speak against the U.S...
  9. K

    Biggest pool ever made

    depends what beach you go to. Pool>American beaches.
  10. K

    Is Poetry Dead?

    Cheers Slip, Damn that John Lee Hooker is good. Tupelo is damned fine. I also was quite impressed with "The night I killed Tommy" although I would agree he shouldn't read his own poetry. That man has a very unenthusiastic voice! Cheers Slip.
  11. K

    Jubilee Celebrations

    boo - Republicans are so sulky.
  12. K

    Why men die before women

    .... and I thought it was because LOL
  13. K

    Cybernation V5.0

    Says the guy who also said: HAHA PWN'D
  14. K

    The "I like" thread

    The "I like" thread I like my avatar.
  15. K

    Damn cat. Epic quail murder :(

    why did let the cat out in the first place? i never let my cat outside very often unless under our supervision for that particular reason. also.......cuz he likes to chew on the grass outside then throw it up in the house....:crash:
  16. K

    Britain supports Saudi torturers?

    Saudi Arabia is, in fairness, a bit of a hole if you look at it from the outside, seriosuly, you really do have to ask yourself why your government is allied with a country like this that doesn't have freedom of speech, equal rights or freedom of religion but does have state sanctioned torture...
  17. K

    does anyone use the nokia app "bluescanner"?

    if so tell me ur rank worldwide and your devices found im ranked 71st booya its the app that gives you points for finding bluetooth devices
  18. K

    Good first car???(but has to drag)?

    go for the old skyline, some power but cheap or just buy a cheap v6 any of em can drag just make sure its manual
  19. K

    I'm trying to figure out if my jeep will have a lot of power is there a

    just type jeep then the model year and then specs into goole it will come up
  20. K

    If there is ever a OS in the future that requiers 20 GB ram and if i have 2gb ram...

    VERRRRRRRRRRYYYY SLOWLLLLLLYYYYYY or not at all it might have a requirement who klnows